1840 - 1903 (63 years)
Name |
Calvin Crockett PACK |
Born |
1 Jan 1840 |
Patrick Co. Virginia |
Gender |
Male |
Co. K, 37th VA Cav. Battn., Capt. C. C. Pack's Co. |
_UID |
D52846401CCB4EDCA52F235B1948ECA5D850 |
Died |
27 Jun 1903 |
Richlands, Tazewell, Co. VA [1] |
Buried |
Ratliff Cemetery, Richlands, Tazewell Co. VA |
Notes |
1850 Census
Name: Cricket Pack [Crockett Pack]
Age: 12
Birth Year: abt 1838
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1850: Western District, Tazewell, Virginia
Gender: Male
Family Number: 1286
Household Members:
Name Age
Jno Pack 45
Matilde Pack 40
Isham Pack 16
Fleming Pack 14
Cricket Pack 12
Trnsell Pack 10
Sarah Pack 8
Cynthia Pack 7
Wm Pack 5
Elenor Pack 3
1860 Census Place
Name: Crockett C Pack
Age: 19
Birth Year: abt 1841
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Virginia
Home in 1860: Western District, Tazewell, Virginia
Post Office: Baptist Valley
Family Number: 1358
Household Members:
Name Age
Crockett C Pack 19
Hanah Pack 22
Tinsley Pack 1
1870 Census
Name: C C Pack
Age in 1870: 30
Birth Year: abt 1840
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1870: Maiden Spring, Tazewell, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Post Office: Knob
Household Members:
Name Age
C C Pack 30
Hannah Pack 31
Tinsley Pack 11
Matilda Pack 9
Junius Pack 7
Rachel Pack 5
Oliva Pack 4
Susert Pack 7 months
1880 Census
Name: Crockett C. Pack
Age: 40
Birth Year: abt 1840
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1880: Maiden Spring, Tazewell, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Self (Head)
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Hanah Pack
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia
Occupation: Farmer
Household Members:
Name Age
Crockett C. Pack 40
Hanah Pack 41
Tinsley Pack 21
Matilda F. Pack 19
James Pack 17
Rachael Pack 15
Oliva Pack 13
Sarah E. Pack 11
John Pack 9
William Pack 7
Samuel Pack 5
Elender Pack 2
Crockett Pack 2 months
1900 Census
Name: Crocket C Pack [Crocket Pack]
Age: 62
Birth Date: May 1838
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1900: Maiden Spring, Tazewell, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Hannah Pack
Marriage Year: 1859
Years Married: 41
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia
Household Members:
Name Age
Crocket C Pack 62
Hannah Pack 63
Ollie Pack 26
Crocket C Pack 20
24 Dec 1877 Tazewell County, Virginia
Homestead Exemption This deed of Homestead made this the 24th day of December 1877 by C.C. Pack, witnesseth that the said Pack doth by these present declare his intention to claim the following property as a homestead under the constitution and law of Virginia in such case made and provided known as "Homestead Law" the said Pack being a resident of Tazewell County, Virginia and a householder and head of a family. The following is property claimed as such homestead, viz: 3 head horses of the value of $150.00 3 cows $45.00 9 sheep $15 12 hogs $12 1 Longan? $70 Gearing and farming utensils $25 Household and kitchen furniture $50 150 bushels of corn $75 55 acres of land more or less of the value of $500 Witness the following signature and seal: C.C. Pack (Seal) Tazewell County to Wit: I, A.P. Brown, a Justice of the peace for the County of aforesaid, do certify that C.C. Pack whose name is signed to the writing above bearing date on the 24th day of December 1877 has acknowledged the same before me in my County aforesaid, given under my hand this 24th day of December 1877. A.P Brown
25 Nov 1899 Tazewell County, Virginia
This deed made the 25th day of November in the year eighteen hundred and ninety nine (1899) between Robert W. Clifton and Margaret, his wife, party of the first part, and C.C. Pack, party of the second part. Witnesseth, that in consideration of thirty dollars, the receipt wherefore is hereby acknowledge, the said Robert W. Clifton and Margaret, his wife, doth grant, with generally warranty of title, unto the said C.C. Pack, his heirs and assigns, forever, a certain lot or parcel of land in the town of Richlands, Tazewell Count, State of Virginia, in what is known as "Lick Lot" The lot herein conveyed being one half of a certain lot conveyed by J.F. Prater to George E. Steele by deed dated May 2nd, 1892 and of record in the Clerk's office in D.B. No. 36 page 95 being the northern half of the above mentioned lot and bounded as follows. Beginning at a stake on main street a corner of John D. Newberry lots, thence N 55 1/2 E 100 feet to a stake on main street and with said street S. 37 E 25 feet to the beginning to have a frontage of 25 feet on main street and moving back 100 feet together with all the appurtenances to the said lot belonging; to have and to hold the said lot, with the appurtenances aforesaid, unto the said C.C. Pack his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said Robert W. Clifton, and Margaret Clifton, have this day set their hand and seals this the day and year first above written. R.W. Clifton Margaret Clifton
Enlisted as a Private on 29 May 1861 at the age of 23; Enlisted in Company A, 45th Infantry Regiment Virginia on 29 May 1861; Sick on 15 September 1861; Furloughed on 15 December 1861; Promoted to Full Captain on 15 May 1863; Discharged for promotion Company A, 45th Infantry Regiment Virginia on 15 May 1863; Commission in 37th Cavalry Regiment Virginia on 15 May 1863.
Promoted to Full Captain (As of Va 37th Inf); Enlisted as a Private on 10 September 1862; Transferred 45th Infantry Regiment Virginia on 10 September 1862; Transferred in Company H, 29th Infantry Regiment Virginia on 10 September 1862; Enlisted in State Line Regiment Virginia on 15 September 1862.
Enlisted as a Captain on 17 August 1863; Commission in Company H, 21st Cavalry Regiment Virginia on 17 August 1863; Transferred Company H, 21st Cavalry Regiment Virginia on 01 March 1864; Commission in 37th Battn Cavalry Regiment Virginia on 01 March 1864.
37th Battalion Virginia Cavalry (also known as Dunn's Battalion Partisan Rangers) was organized about August 2, 1862. Company B was composed of former members of the 4th Regiment South Carolina Infantry, Company F of North Carolinians, and Company K was formerly Captain Pack's Company, 21st Regiment Virginia Cavalry. Company H was transferred to Swann's Battalion Virginia Cavalry by S.O. No. 130, Hdqrs. Dept. W.Va. and E. Tenn, dated December 28, 1864. In November it was changed to regular cavalry. It was assigned to W.E. Jones', McCausland's and W.L. Jackson's Brigade. During April, 1864, it totaled 300 effectives and by June had increased its strength to ten companies. It was involved in various operations in western Virginia and East Tennessee, then saw action in the Shenandoah Valley. The unit disbanded in mid-April,1865. Lieutenant Colonel Ambrose C. Dunn and Major J.R. Claiborne were in command..
45th Regiment, Virginia Infantry was formed in May, 1861, with men from Tazewell, Wythe, Grayson, Carroll, and Bland counties. It was assigned to Echols', G.C. Wharton's, and Forsberg's Brigade, and served in western Virginia. The regiment fought at Carnifax Ferry, reported 26 killed, 96 wounded, 46 captured, and 6 missing in the fight at Cloyd's Mountain, then saw action in the Shenandoah Valley. It sustained many casualties at Third Winchester and during April, 1865, disbanded. The field officers were Colonels William H. Browne, Henry Heth, and W.E. Peters; Lieutenant Colonels Benjamin F. Ficklin, Edwin H. Harman, and William H. Werth; and Majors A.M. David, William C. Sanders, and Gabriel C. Wharton.
29th Regiment, Virginia Infantry was authorized in November, 1861, and was to contain seven companies under Colonel A.C. Moore and three companies at Pound Gap. However, this organization never took place. Moore's five companies from Abingdon and companies raised in the spring of 1862 evidently made up the nine-company regiment. It was assigned to the Valley District, Department of Northern Virginia, then moved to Kentucky where it was engaged at Middle Creek. Later it saw action in Western Virginia and for a time served in North Carolina under General French. In March, 1863, it totaled 732 men. Attached to General Corse's Brigade the unit participated in Longstreet's Suffolk Expedition and during the Gettysburg Campaign was on detached duty in Tennessee and North Carolina. In the spring of 1864 it returned to Virginia and took its place in the Petersburg trenches north and south of the James River and ended the war at Appomattox. Many were lost at Sayler's Creek, and only 1 officer and 27 men surrendered on April 9, 1865. The field officers were Colonels James Giles and Alfred C. Moore; Lieutenant Colonels Alexander Haynes, William Leigh, and Edwin R. Smith; and Majors Ebenezer Bruster, William R.B. Horne, and Isaac White.
21st Regiment, Virginia Cavalry was organized in August, 1862, with companies which had served in the Virginia State Line. The unit was assigned to W.E. Jones' and McCausland's Brigade, and in April, 1864, it contained 317 effectives. It took an active part in various conflicts in East Tennessee, western Virginia, and in the Shenandoah Valley. During mid-April, 1865, the regiment disbanded. Its field officers were Colonel W.E. Peters, Lieutenant Colonel David Edmundson, and Major Stephen P. Halsey.
Calvin Crockett Pack
FORM NO. 2 Application of Soldier, Sailor, or Marine for Disability by Wound
I, C.C. Pack do hereby apply for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1903, entitled an act to aid the citizens of Virginia, who were disabled by wounds received during the war between the States while serving as soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia, and such as served during the said war as soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia, who are now disabled by disease contracted during the war, or by the infirmities of age, and the widows of soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia who lost their lives in said service, or whose death resulted from wounds received or disease contracted in said service, and providing penalties for violating the provisions of this act, and I do solemnly swear that I am a citizen of the State of Virginia resident at Richlands in the County of Tazewell in the said State, and that I have been an actual resident of the said state for two years, and of the said city (or county) for one year next preceding the date of this application, and that I was a soldier (or sailor or marine) of the State of Virginia in the war between the United States and the Confederate States, as a member of (here state specifically the command and branch of service to which the applicant belonged and the names of his immediate superior officers) Company A 45th Regiment 18 months ?? after ?? as captain of Company K 37th Battalion ?? close of war
What is your age? Ans. 64
Where were you born? Ans. Tazewell County, Va
How long have you resided in Virginia? Ans. All my life
How long have you resided in the city or county of your present residence? Ans. Life
What is your usual and ordinary occupation for earning a livelihood? Ans. Farmer
How long have you followed such occupation or employment? Ans. Life
Have you followed such occupation or employment, or any other occupation or employment, within the last two years? If so, state when and where and the amount of your annual income form the same. Ans. No
Are you totally disabled from following your usual and ordinary occupation and employment or any other occupation and employment, by which you can earn a livelihood. If not totally disabled but partially, state the extent of your partial disability. Ans. I was totally disabled
When and where did you enter service of Virginia, or of the Confederate States? Ans. Tazewell County, 1861
In what command and service were you engaged during the war between the States? Ans. 45th Regiment ??? Julius B. Floyd (note: name not clear) Capt. J. Harrisson
How long were you in the service? Ans. Four years
Give here any other information you may possess relating to your service, or disability, that will support the justice of your claim for aid. Ans. I am totally disabled ?????
Is there any camp of Confederate Veterans in the city or county of your residence? Ans. No
Is there any one living the residence and address of whom is known to you, either comrade or otherwise, who has knowledge of your service and of the cause of your disability? if so or not, state. Ans. ??? Col. J. Harrisson, Tazewell, Va , James S.S. Higginbotham, Richlands, Va.
Witness my hand this 22nd day of May 1902.
C.C. Pack
We, G.B. Brittian (?) and J.S.S. Higginbotham do solemnly swear that we are residents of the County of Tazewell, in the State of Virginia, and that CC Pack whose name is signed to the annexed application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 3, 1902, is personally well known to us, and that we have known her for 30 years, and that we were soldiers (sailor or marine) in the military (or naval) service of Virginia, or of the Confederate States, and that we were soldiers (sailors or marines) in the said service during the said war, and that we were, with the said CC Pack, members of 45th Virginia Reg Co. A and that to our personal knowledge the said applicant was wounded on our about _________ day, 18 __ at the battle of ________ and that the said ___________ was a true and loyal soldier in that said service, and that at the time was said wound received the said applicant was in the faithful discharge of his duties and such soldier, in the said battle or combat and that we have no personal interest in the allowence of the applicants claim.
G.B. Brittian (?)
G.S. Higginbotham
Subscribed and sworn to before me, notery public for the County of Tazewell, State of Virginia, this ???, 1902
Note.-- If only one comrade is living whose residence and address is known to applicant, let him make the above affidavit. If no such comrade is living whose address is known to applicant, then let one or more reputable persons who have personal knowledge of the services of the applicant and of cause of his disability, make the following affidavit.
We, ______ of the County in the State of Virginia, do solemnly swear that we personally know, and are well acquainted with ______ whose name is signed to the annexed application, and who is applying for aid under the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 3, 1903, and that we have known the said applicant for ____ and that to our personal knowledge the said ______, who was a loyal and true soldier (sailor or marine) in the military (or naval) service of Virginia, or of the Confederate States, in the war between the States, and was faithful in the discharge of his duty and that we verily believe he is disabled from the cause and in the manner in his application set forth and that his claim is just and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of his claim under the said act.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, ________ Virginia this _____
I, W.R. Williamson (???) a practicing physician in the County of Tazewell, in the State of Virginia, do certify that I am personally acquainted with CC Pack, whose name is signed to the annexed application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 3, 1903, and that from a personal examination of the said CC Pack, as to the disability set forth in his application of the cause thereof I am clearly of the opinion that he is disabled by reason of (physician will here state specifically the nature of the disability and the cause thereof, and if such disability is total, whether the applicant is deprived thereby of all ability to pursue his usual and ordinary occupation, or any other occupation for a livelihood, and if the disability be partial, to what extent the applicant is hindered thereby from pursuing such occupation as aforesaid. If the physician considers the disability total, he will, in addition to the cause disclosed by the examination, repeat the language underscored above) Totally Disabled by ???? of the heart and that I have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim.
Given under my hand, this 24th day of May 1902. W.R. William son (??_
We, D Kitts & J. Jaffreys (??) , of the County of Tazewell, State of Virginia, do certify that we were soldiers (sailors or marines) of Virginia in the war between the States, and that we have examined into the merits of the annexed application of CC Pack for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 3, 1902, and that we are satisfied of the justice of his claim, and recommend the said Adam Pack for aid under the provisions of the said act, and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim. Given under our hands, this 24th day of May, 1902
D. Kitts
J. Jafferys (??)
I, John Pack, Commissioner of the revenue, in the County of Tazewell, in the State of Virginia, do certify that, CC Pack, or his wife, or his trustee, or trustee for his wife, whose name is signed to the annered application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 3, 1902, is charged on the land and personal property books of the said CC Pack, with estate, real, personal and mixed, of the ??? value of ??? dollars. Given under my hand this ??? 1902.
John Pack
Person ID |
I2864 |
Master File |
Last Modified |
7 Apr 2016 |
Father |
John PACK, b. Abt 1805, Patrick Co., VA , d. Aft 5 March 1897, Tazewell Co. VA (Age ~ 92 years) |
Mother |
Matilda Ann DELONG, b. Abt 1810, Patrick Co., VA , d. Bef 1880, Tazewell Co. VA (Age ~ 69 years) |
Married |
31 Dec 1835 |
Floyd Co., VA [1] |
- Marriage Bond
Know all men by these presents, that we, John Pack and Martin Slaughter are held and firmly bound unto, L.W. Tazewell, Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and his successors, in the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, to the payment thereof, well and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this 21 day of Dec 1835.
The condition of the above obligation is such, that, whereas a marriage is intended to be solemnized between the above bound John Pack and Matilda Delong of Floyd County: New, if there be no lawful cause to obstruct the said marriage, then the above obligation to be void, else to remain in full force and virtue.
Signed John Pack and Martin Slaughter. Witnessed, Wm. Goodan.
Family ID |
F1975 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Hannah BREWSTER, b. 05 Apr 1838, Virginia , d. 23 Oct 1917, Wise Co. VA (Age 79 years) |
Married |
24 Jun 1858 |
Tazewell Co VA |
- Virginia, Marriages, 1785-1940
Name: Calvin E Peck [Pack]
Birth Date: 1840
Birthplace: Tazewell County, Va
Age: 18
Spouse's Name: Hannah Bruster [Brewster]
Spouse's Birth Date: 1838
Spouse's Birthplace: Tazewell County, Va
Spouse's Age: 20
Event Date: 24 Jun 1858
Event Place: Tazewell, Virginia
Father's Name: John Peck [Pack]
Mother's Name: Matilda Ann
Spouse's Father's Name: James Bruster [Brewster]
Spouse's Mother's Name: Rachael
Spouse's Marital Status: Single
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01695-4
System Origin: Virginia-EASy
GS Film number: 34214
Reference ID: Page 9 line 39
Children |
+ | 1. Tinsley William (T. W.) PACK, b. 22 Mar 1859, Tazewell Co VA , d. 10 Jan 1931, Big Stone Gap, Wise Co. VA (Age 71 years) |
+ | 2. Matilda Frances PACK, b. Jan 1861, Tazewell Co VA  |
+ | 3. James PACK, b. 22 Jun 1863, Tazewell Co VA , d. 12 Dec 1936, Bluefield, Mercer Co. WV (Age 73 years) |
+ | 4. Rachel PACK, b. Apr 1865, Tazewell Co VA , d. 29 Jul 1938, Richlands, Tazewell Co. VA (Age ~ 73 years) |
| 5. Olivia (Ollie) PACK, b. May 1867, Tazewell Co VA , d. Aft 1910, Virginia (Age ~ 43 years) |
+ | 6. Sarah E. (Sally) PACK, b. 30 Sep 1869, Tazewell Co VA , d. 23 Jan 1932, Tazewell Co. VA (Age 62 years) |
+ | 7. John PACK, b. 26 Sep 1872, Tazewell Co VA , d. 22 Aug 1936, Morgan Co. TN (Age 63 years) |
+ | 8. William Martin PACK, b. 15 Oct 1873, Tazewell Co VA , d. 19 Oct 1932, Floyd Co., KY (Age 59 years) |
+ | 9. Samuel Austin PACK, b. 02 Mar 1875, Tazewell Co VA , d. 23 Sep 1953, Wayne Co. WV (Age 78 years) |
+ | 10. Elender (Ella) PACK, b. 12 Sep 1877, Tazewell Co VA , d. 25 Jul 1970, Norton, Wise Co. VA (Age 92 years) |
+ | 11. Crockett C. PACK, b. 14 Mar 1880, Tazewell Co VA , d. 01 Sep 1945, Adair Co. MO (Age 65 years) |
Last Modified |
20 Feb 2014 |
Family ID |
F1986 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |