Matches 1 to 50 of 36,206
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1 |
1910 United States Federal Census
Name: William F Russell
Age in 1910: 54
Birth Year: 1856
Birthplace: Maine
Home in 1910: Sanford, York, Maine
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Gertrude E Russell
Father's Birthplace: Maine
Mother's Birthplace: Maine
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
William F Russell 54
Gertrude E Russell 33
Margret W Russell 19
Helen E Russell 17
Harold W Russell 4 months
1920 United States Federal Census
Name: William F Russell
Age: 65
Birth Year: abt 1855
Birthplace: Maine
Home in 1920: Sanford, York, Maine
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Gertrude B Russell
Father's Birthplace: Maine
Mother's Birthplace: Maine
Home Owned: Own
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Occupaton: Farmer/lumber
Household Members:
William F Russell 65
Gertrude B Russell 43
Helen E Russell 27
Harold W Russell 10
1930 United States Federal Census
Name: William F Russell
Gender: Male
Birth Year: abt 1855
Birthplace: Maine
Race: White
Home in 1930: Sanford, York, Maine
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Gertrude B Russell
Father's Birthplace: Maine
Mother's Birthplace: Maine
Occupation: Farmer
Household Members:
William F Russell 75
Gertrude B Russell 54
Harold W Russell 20
Arthur W Sager 25 [lodger]
| RUSSELL, William F. (I13433)
2 |
Listed as 68 years old in 1920 Census, Wilcox County, AL, Camden.
According to her death record:
Father name J. Henry Brown
Father birth place Camden, Ala.
Mother name Mary Allen
Mother birth place Wilcox Co., Ala. | Brown, Jennie Elizabeth (I6737)
3 |
| Harms, Ellis A. (I20987)
4 |
14/Feb/1853 James M. Tate, age 22, single, born Russell Co. parents: Elisha & Eliza (Davenport) Tate Sarah J. Owens, age 20, single, forn Russell Co. parants: Jacob & Hannah (Fugate) Owens. Married by Christian Easterly. | OWENS, Sarah Jane Boyd (Sallie) (I5242)
5 |
1850 United States Federal Census
Name: R M Manley
Age: 26
Birth Year: abt 1824
Birthplace: Vermont
Home in 1850: Randolph, Orange, Vermont
Gender: Male in the household of Isaac and Catherine Redfield.
Family Number: 214
His wife Sarah lived with him.
1880 United States Federal Census
Name: R. M. Manly
Age: 58
Birth Year: abt 1822
Birthplace: Vermont
Home in 1880: Richmond, Henrico, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Self (Head)
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Sarah H. Manly
Father's Birthplace: Vermont
Mother's Birthplace: Vermont
Neighbors: View others on page
Occupation: Dpy. Col. Int. Rev.
Household Members:
R. M. Manly 58
Sarah H. Manly 58
Note: lived next door to his daughter Kate and son-in-law, Otis H. Russell, who was also involved in collecting for the internal revenue. | Manly, Ralza Morse (I13631)
6 |
1870 United States Federal Census
Name: Marilla M Russell
Age in 1870: 12
Birth Year: abt 1858
Birthplace: Maine
Home in 1870: Alfred, York, Maine
Race: White
Gender: Female [household of Cyrus Russell]
Post Office: Alfred
1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Marrilla Russell
Age: 22
Birth Year: abt 1858
Birthplace: Maine
Home in 1880: Kennebunk, York, Maine
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Marital Status: Single
Father's Name: Cyrus Russell
Father's Birthplace: Maine
Mother's Name: Eliza Russell
Mother's Birthplace: Maine
Occupation: At Home
1900 United States Federal Census
Name: Marrilla M Stunson [Marrilla M Stinson]
Age: 42
Birth Date: Dec 1857
Birthplace: Maine
Home in 1900: Kennebunkport, York, Maine
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Seth W Stinson
Marriage Year: 1882
Years Married: 18
Father's Birthplace: Maine
Mother's Birthplace: Maine
Mother: number of living children: 2
Mother: How many children: 2
Household Members:
Seth W Stunson 44
Warren H Stinson 12
Gladys M Stinson 6
1910 United States Federal Census
Name: Maretta M Stenson [Marilla M Stinson]
Age in 1910: 52
Birth Year: 1858
Birthplace: Maine
Home in 1910: Biddeford Ward 7, York, Maine
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Seth W Stenson
Father's Birthplace: Maine
Mother's Birthplace: Maine | RUSSELL, Marilla M. (I6946)
7 |
1870 United States Federal Census
Name: Sarah Christian
Age in 1870: 40
Birth Year: abt 1830
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1870: Garden, Buchanan, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Female
Post Office: Grundy
Household Members:
Wm Christian 40
Sarah Christian 40
Julia E Christian 22
Marilda Christian 19
Thomas Christian 17
Mastin Christian 15
Susannah Christian 13
Rutha A Christian 11 | ALTIZER, Sarah (I4456)
8 |
1900 United States Federal Census
Name: James N Varney
Age: 16
Birth Date: Jul 1883
Birthplace: West Virginia
Home in 1900: Magnolia, Mingo, West Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital Status: Single
Father's Name: Alvis Varney
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's name: Frances Varney
Mother's Birthplace: West Virginia
1920 United States Federal Census
Name: J Nicholas Varney
Age: 35
Birth Year: abt 1885
Birthplace: West Virginia
Home in 1920: Magnolia, Mingo, West Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Sarah L Varney
Father's Birthplace: West Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: West Virginia
Home Owned: Rent
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Household Members:
J Nicholas Varney 35
Sarah L Varney 34
William Varney 16
John B Varney 15
Auther H Varney 13
Altis P Varney 11
Lonzo C Varney 8 years 4 months
Reford C Varney 6 years 6 months
Mastin E Varney 3 years 1 month
Ruby J Varney 10 months
1930 United States Federal Census
Name: James N Varney
Gender: Male
Birth Year: abt 1882
Birthplace: West Virginia
Race: White
Home in 1930: Magnolia, Mingo, West Virginia
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Sarah Varney
Father's Birthplace: West Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: West Virginia
Household Members:
James N Varney 48
Sarah Varney 47
Alvis P Varney 22
Lonzo Varney 18
Refud Varney 16
Maston Varney 14
Arizona Varney 6
1940 United States Federal Census
Name: Nicholas Varney
Respondent: Yes
Age: 58
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1882
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: West Virginia
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Magnolia, Mingo, West Virgini
Farm: No
Inferred Residence in 1935: Magnolia, Mingo, West Virginia
Residence in 1935: Same House
Household Members:
Nicholas Varney 58
Sarah Varney 55
Mastus Varney 23
John Nelson 26 [son-in-law]
Arizona Nelson 16 | Varney, James Nicholas (I17515)
9 |
1900 United States Federal Census
Name: Martela Jones
Age: 22
Birth Date: Nov 1877
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1900: Garden, Buchanan, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: John Jones
Marriage Year: 1899
Years married: 1
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother: number of living children: 0
Mother: How many children: 0
Household Members:
John Jones 23
Martela Jones 22 | CHRISTIAN, Rebecca Martilla (Tealie) (I17507)
10 |
1900 United States Federal Census
Name: Willard Murphy
Age: 7
Birth Date: Jun 1892
Birthplace: West Virginia
Home in 1900: Elkhorn, McDowell, West Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital Status: Single
Father's Name: Thomas Murphy
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's name: Missiouria Murphy
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia | Murphy, Willard (I17388)
11 |
1940 United States Federal Census
Name: Bert D Miller
Age: 5
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1935
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: Ohio
Marital Status: Single
Relation to Head of House: Son in household of Bert and Naomi Miller
Home in 1940: Richmond, Wayne, Indiana
Street: Glen Court
House Number: 2126
Inferred Residence in 1935: Rural, Preble, Ohio
Residence in 1935: Rural, Preble, Ohio
Resident on farm in 1935: Yes
Attended School or College: Yes
Highest Grade Completed: None | Miller, Bert D. (I20737)
12 |
1940 United States Federal Census
Name: Gary Donald Blankenship
Age: 7
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1933
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: West Virginia
Marital Status: Single
Relation to Head of House: Son
Home in 1940: Stafford, Mingo, West Virginia
Street: US Route 13 Gilbert Creek
House Number: 179
Farm: No
Inferred Residence in 1935: Stafford, Mingo, West Virginia
Residence in 1935: Same House
Sheet Number: 11A
Attended School or College: Yes
Highest Grade Completed: Elementary school, 2nd grade | Blankenship, Gary Donald (I18501)
13 |
1940 United States Federal Census
Name: Harold Roberts
Age: 16
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1924
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: West Virginia
Marital Status: Single
Relation to Head of House: Son in household of Jack and Addie Roberts
Home in 1940: Glade, Webster, West Virginia
Street: State Route 15
Inferred Residence in 1935: Glade, Webster, West Virginia
Residence in 1935: Same House
Resident on farm in 1935: Yes
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed: Elementary school, 6th grade | Roberts, Harold (I18561)
14 |
1940 United States Federal Census
Name: Jane Roberts
Age: 7
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1933
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birthplace: West Virginia
Marital Status: Single
Relation to Head of House: Daughter in household of Jack and Addie Roberts
Home in 1940: Glade, Webster, West Virginia
View Map
Street: State Route 15
Inferred Residence in 1935: Glade, Webster, West Virginia
Residence in 1935: Same House
Resident on farm in 1935: Yes
Attended School or College: Yes
Highest Grade Completed: Elementary school, 1st grade | Roberts, Jane (I18562)
15 |
1940 United States Federal Census
Name: Lee Blankenship
Respondent: Yes
Age: 31
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1909
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: West Virginia
Marital Status%3 | ()
16 |
1940 United States Federal Census
Name: Lee Blankenship
Respondent: Yes
Age: 31
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1909
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: West Virginia
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Stafford, Mingo, West Virginia
Street: US Route 13 Gilbert Creek
House Number: 179
Farm: Yes
Inferred Residence in 1935: Stafford, Mingo, West Virginia
Residence in 1935: Same House
Resident on farm in 1935: Yes
Occupation: Miner
House Owned or Rented: Owned
Value of Home or Rental: $500
Highest Grade Completed: Elementary school, 5th grade
Hours Worked Week Prior to Census: 35
Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker in private work
Weeks Worked in 1939: 36
Income: $700
Household Members:
Lee Blankenship 31
Nettie Blankenship 28
Julia Blankenship 9
Gary Donald Blankenship 7
Perry Blankenship 6
Shelby Jean Blankenship 3 | Blankenship, Lee (I18499)
17 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | MCCANN, Mary Ruth (I2856)
18 |
1940 United States Federal Census
Name: Mose Christian
Respondent: Yes
Age: 34
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1906
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: West Virginia
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Stafford, Mingo, West Virginia
House Number: 437
Farm: Yes
Inferred Residence in 1935: Stafford, Mingo, West Virginia
Residence in 1935: Same House
Household Members:
Mose Christian 34
May Christian 23
Ruby Christian 7
Willard Christian 5 | CHRISTIAN, Moses (Mose) (I18439)
19 |
Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974
Name: James Welch Green
Birth Date: abt 1881
Birth Place: Alabama
Death Date: 8 Sep 1940
Death Place: Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Burial Date: 8 Sep 1940
Death Age: 59
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Gender: Male
Residence: Monroe County, Alabama
Father Name: Leslie Green
Father Birth Place: Alabama
Mother Name: Jane Rhoads
Mother Birth Place: Alabama
FHL Film Number: 1908593 | Green, James Welch (I17653)
20 |
Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974
Name: Sallie Long [Sallie Duke]
Birth Date: abt 1874
Birth Place: Alabama
Death Date: 27 Feb 1931
Death Place: Bay Minette, Baldwin, Alabama
Burial Date: 28 Feb 1931
Burial Place: Bay Minette, Baldwin, Alabama
Cemetery Name: Bay Minette
Death Age: 57
Occupation: Housework
Race: White
Marital Status: Widowed
Gender: Female
Father Name: Alex Duke
Father Birth Place: Alabama
Mother Name: Mandy Bradford
Mother Birth Place: Alabama
FHL Film Number: 1908485 | DUKE, Sallie V. (I20154)
21 |
Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974 about Lucille Duke Jarvis
Name: Lucille Duke Jarvis
[Lucille Duke Duke]
Birth Date: 3 Jul 1908
Birth Place: Whatley, Alabama
Death Date: 12 Jan 1936
Death Place: Mobile, Mobile, Alabama
Burial Date: 13 Jan 1936
Burial Place: Grove Hill, Alabama
Death Age: 27
Race: White
Marital Status: Widowed
Gender: Female
Street Address: On Highway between Grove Hill and Whatley, Alabama
Father Name: J Levi Duke
Father Birth Place: Whatley, Alabama
Mother Name: Clara Pruitt
Mother Birth Place: Whatley, Alabama
Spouse Name: Gent Jarvis
FHL Film Number: 1908538 | DUKE, Clara Lucille (I20063)
22 |
1820 United States Federal Census
Name: Simeon Russell [Simon Russell]
Home in 1820 (City, County, State): Painesville, Geauga, Ohio
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Manufactures: 3
Free White Persons - Under 16: 7
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 11
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 11
1830 United States Federal Census
Name: Simon Russel
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): Leroy, Geauga, Ohio
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 7
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 9
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 9
1840 United States Federal Census
Name: Simon Russel
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Leroy, Lake, Ohio
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 50 thru 59: 1
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 3
Free White Persons - Under 20: 4
Total Free White Persons: 6
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 6
| RUSSELL, Simon Jacob (I6005)
23 |
1820 United States Federal Census
Name: John H Walker
Home in 1820 (City, County, State): King William, Virginia
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 2 [Arthur and ?]
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1 [John]
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 3 [Martha, Jane, Ann]
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1 [Frances]
Slaves - Males - Under 14: 3
Slaves - Males - 14 thru 25: 2
Slaves - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 14: 1
Slaves - Females - 14 thru 25: 2
Slaves - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Slaves - Females - 45 and over: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 5
Free White Persons - Under 16: 5
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 7
Total Slaves: 11
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 18
1830 United States Federal Census
Name: John H Walker
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): King William, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 1 [Arthur]
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1 [John]
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1 [Ann]
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 2 [Martha, Jane]
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 39: 1 [Frances]
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 3
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 2
Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 4
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 3
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 2
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 5
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 1
Total Free White Persons: 6
Total Slaves: 17
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 23
1840 United States Federal Census
Name: John H Walker
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): St Davids Parish, King William, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1 [Arthur]
Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59: 1 [John]
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 2 [Ann, Mary]
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 2 [Martha, Jane]
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1 [Frances]
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 1
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 3
Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 5
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 4
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - 55 thru 99: 1
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 6
Free White Persons - Under 20: 2
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 4
Total Free White Persons: 7
Total Slaves: 16
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 23
1850 United States Federal Census
Name: John H Walker
Age: 60
Birth Year: abt 1790
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1850: King William, Virginia
Gender: Male
Family Number: 140
Value of real estate: $1,500
Household Members:
John H Walker 60
Frances A Walker 58
Martha S Walker 38
Jane F Walker 34
Mary A Walker 21
1850 Census King William Co. VA
1850 Slave Schedule showed he had 17 slaves, ages 48 to 1 year old.
1860 United States Federal Census about Jno H Walker
Name: Jno H Walker
Age in 1860: 70
Birth Year: abt 1790
Home in 1860: King William, Virginia
Gender: Male
Post Office: Aylett
Value of real estate: $8,000; personal property $20,000
Household Members:
Jno H Walker 70
Martha Walker 45 [daughter]
Walker DNA study has his DOD as 20 Oct 1866, but according to the trial of Thomas J. Cluverius, he was alive in the early 1880's. Need to find correct DOD. | WALKER, John H. (Jack) (I6170)
24 |
1830 United States Federal Census \
Name: Mathias Harman
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): Tazewell, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 90 thru 99: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 3
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 3
Total Free White Persons: 7
Total Slaves: 2
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 9 | HARMAN, Mathias (Tice or Tias) Sr. (I3841)
25 |
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: James J Kirk
Age in 1860: 36
Birth Year: abt 1824
Birthplace: Alabama
Home in 1860: Western Division, Wilcox, Alabama
Gender: Male
Post Office: Prairie Bluff
Household Members:
James J Kirk 36
Louisa Kirk 34
Nancy J Kirk 4
James B Kirk 1
Robert Kirk 18
Henry Luker 18
Gilman Clark 8
1860 Slave Schedule
James J. Kirk owned 7 slaves, 2 males ages 30, 8; 5 females ages 22, 16, 13, 9, 2
| KIRK, James J. (I6099)
26 |
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Joseph M Kirk
Age in 1860: 13
Birth Year: abt 1847
Birthplace: Alabama
Home in 1860: Western Division, Wilcox, Alabama
Gender: Male [in household of his mother, Margaret Kirk]
Post Office: Prairie Bluff
1870 United States Federal Census
Name: Joseph M Kirk
Age in 1870: 21
Birth Year: abt 1849
Birthplace: Alabama
Home in 1870: Lower Peach Tree, Wilcox, Alabama
Race: White
Gender: Male [in household of his mother, Margaret Kirk]
Post Office: Lower Peach Tree
1880 United States Federal Census
Name: J. M. Kirk
Age: 32
Birth Year: abt 1848
Birthplace: Alabama
Home in 1880: Lower Peach Tree, Wilcox, Alabama
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Self (Head)
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Martha Kirk
Father's Birthplace: South Carolina
Mother's name: Margaret Kirk
Mother's Birthplace: North Carolina
Occupation: Farmer
Household Members:
J. M. Kirk 32
Martha Kirk 26
Maud Kirk 1
Adella Kirk 8 months
Margaret Kirk 67 [his mother]
1900 United States Federal Census
Name: Joseph M Kirk
Age: 52
Birth Date: May 1848
Birthplace: Alabama
Home in 1900: Lower Peach Tree, Wilcox Co., Alabama
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Martha A Kirk
Marriage Year: 1878
Years Married: 22
Father's Birthplace: South Carolina
Mother's Birthplace: North Carolina
Household Members:
Joseph M Kirk 52
Martha A Kirk 47
Maud Kirk 21
Adel Kirk 19
Richardson C Kirk 19
Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974
Name: Joseph Marshall Kirk
Birth Date: abt 1848
Birth Place: Lower Peach Tree
Death Date: 27 Jul 1931
Death Place: Peach Tree, Wilcox County, Alabama
Burial Date: 28 Jul 1931
Burial Place: Lowder Peach Tree
Death Age: 83
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Gender: Male
Father Name: James Kirk
Father Birth Place: Lancaster Deatria, South Carolina
Mother Name: Margaret Drury
Mother Birth Place: North Carolina
Spouse Name: Martha Jeffrey | KIRK, Joseph Marshall (I7506)
27 |
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Margaret Kirk
Age in 1860: 55
Birth Year: abt 1805
Birthplace: North Carolina
Home in 1860: Western Division, Wilcox, Alabama
Gender: Female
Post Office: Prairie Bluff
Household Members:
Margaret Kirk 55
William Southall 24
Calvin C Kirk 15
Joseph M Kirk 13
1870 United States Federal Census
Name: Margaret Kirk
Age in 1870: 59
Birth Year: abt 1811
Birthplace: North Carolina
Home in 1870: Lower Peach Tree, Wilcox, Alabama
Race: White
Gender: Female
Post Office: Lower Peach Tree
1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Margaret Kirk
Age: 67
Birth Year: abt 1813
Birthplace: North Carolina
Home in 1880: Lower Peach Tree, Wilcox, Alabama
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Mother [in household of Joseph M. Kirk]
Marital Status: Na [widow]
Father's Birthplace: North Carolina
Mother's Birthplace: North Carolina | Drury, Margaret (I7501)
28 |
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Mary A M Kirk
Age in 1860: 29
Birth Year: abt 1831
Birthplace: North Carolina
Home in 1860: Western Division, Wilcox, Alabama
Gender: Female [in household of John Kirk]
Post Office: Prairie Bluff | DRURY, Mary (I7492)
29 |
1870 United States Federal Census about Lillie B Christian
Name: Lillie B Christian
Age in 1870: 5
Birth Year: abt 1865
[Abt 1868]
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1870: Maiden Spring, Tazewell, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Female [in household of Thomas and Euphemia Christian]
Post Office: Knob
1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Lilly Christian
Age: 11
Birth Year: abt 1869
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1880: Maiden Spring, Tazewell, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Marital Status: Single
Father's Name: Thomas Christian
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Name: Euphemia Christian
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia
Occupation: At Home
1900 United States Federal Census
Name: Lillie B Whitaker
Age: 32
Birth Date: Feb 1868
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1900: Maiden Spring, Tazewell, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Hiram Whitaker
Marriage Year: 1890
Years Married: 10
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother: number of living children: 4
Mother: How many children: 5
Household Members:
Hiram Whitaker 47
Lillie B Whitaker 32
Nora L Whitaker 24 [step-daughter]
Wm R Whitaker 21 [step-son]
Mollie B Whitaker 19 [step-daughter]
Mattie Whitaker 17 [step-daughter]
Newton H Whitaker 10
Otis H Whitaker 6
Laura L Whitaker 2
Nancy D Whitaker 4 months
Nancy Whitaker 75 [mother-in-law]
1910 United States Federal Census
Name: Lillie Belle Whiteaker
[Bell Whiteaker]
Age in 1910: 42
Birth Year: abt 1868
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1910: Maiden Spring, Tazewell, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Hiram Whiteaker
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia
Household Members:
Hiram Whiteaker 57
Lillie Belle Whiteaker 42
Newton H Whiteaker 19
Otis H Whiteaker 16
Laura G Whiteaker 12
Nannie U F Whiteaker 10
Virginia A Whiteaker 5
Annie L Whiteaker 3
1920 United States Federal Census
Name: Lilly B Whitaker
Age: 51
Birth Year: abt 1869
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1920: Maiden Spring, Tazewell, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Hiram Whitaker
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Household Members:
Hiram Whitaker 67
Lilly B Whitaker 51
Virginia A Whitaker 14
Annie L Whitaker 12
1930 United States Federal Census
Name: Lillie B Whittaker
Gender: Female
Birth Year: abt 1868
Birthplace: Virginia
Race: White
Home in 1930: Maiden Spring, Tazewell, Virginia
Marital Status: Widowed
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia
Household Members:
Lillie B Whittaker 62
Lucele Williamson 23 [Lucille, her daughter]
Harvy C Williamson 29 [son-in-law]
Lillie Kate Williamson 6 [granddaughter]
Bernard N Williamson 4 [grandson]
1940 United States Federal Census
Name: Lilly Whittaker
Respondent: Yes
Age: 72
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1868
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birthplace: Virginia
Marital Status: Widowed
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Maiden Spring, Tazewell, Virginia
House Number: 93
Farm: No
Inferred Residence in 1935: Maiden Spring, Tazewell, Virginia
Residence in 1935: Same House
Owned home, worth $200
Education: 0 [no formal schooling]
Income in 1939: None
Household Members:
Lilly Whittaker 72 | CHRISTIAN, Lillie Belle (I11)
30 |
1850 United States Federal Census
Name: Joanah Kirk
Age: 50
Birth Year: abt 1800
Birthplace: South Carolina
Home in 1850: Southern District, Pickens, Alabama
Gender: Female
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Joanna Kirk
Age in 1860: 60
Birth Year: abt 1800
Birthplace: South Carolina
Home in 1860: Southern Division, Pickens, Alabama
Gender: Female
Post Office: Carrollton | MCILLWAIN, Johanna (I7460)
31 |
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Calvin C Kirk
Age in 1860: 15
Birth Year: abt 1845
Birthplace: Alabama
Home in 1860: Western Division, Wilcox, Alabama
Gender: Male [in household of his mother Margaret Kirk]
Post Office: Prairie Bluff | KIRK, Calvin Cellars (I7505)
32 |
1850 United States Federal Census
Name: Warren Russel
Age: 30
Birth Year: abt 1820
Birthplace: Maine
Home in 1850: Bloom, Columbia, Pennsylvania
Gender: Male
Family Number: 153
Household Members:
Warren Russel 30
Hannah Russel 30
Joseph Russel 7 [born in Maryland]
Henry Russell 5 [born in Maryland]
Ellen Small 28 [sister-in-law]
Augustus Wilson 35 [shoemaker born in Maine]
1860 US Census St Andrews Parish, Brunswick, Virginia Dwelling No. 56 Household No. 68, Warren Russell listed as head of household, age 38, occupation as boot and shoemaker with a real estate value of $1,500 and Personal Property of $500. Also listed is Susan A., age 29, Joseph C. age 17, Otis H. age 15, and Benjamin W. age 10, Charles F. age 4, William W. age 3, and James R. age 11 mo.
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Warren Russell
Age in 1860: 38
Birth Year: abt 1822
Birthplace: Maine
Home in 1860: St Andrews Parish, Brunswick, Virginia
Gender: Male
Post Office: Lawrenceville
Value of real estate: $1,500 Personal property: $500
Occupation: boot and shoemaker
Household Members:
Warren Russell 38
Susan A Russell 29
Joseph C Russell 17
Otis H Russell 15
Benja W Russell 10
Charles F Russell 4
William W Russell 3
James R Russell 11 months
1870 United States Federal Census
Name: Warren Russell
Age in 1870: 49
Birth Year: abt 1821
Birthplace: Maine
Home in 1870: Petersburg Ward 3, Petersburg (Independent City), Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Post Office: Petersburg
Value of real estate: $20,000 Personal property: $2,400
Occupation: Shoe merchant
Household Members:
Warren Russell 49
Susan Russell 40
Ben W Russell 19 [clerk in shoe store]
Charles F R Russell 15 [at school]
William W Russell 13 [at school]
James R Russell 11 [at school]
Martha Russell 9
George Russell 3
Hudson Russell 6 months
Louisa Richardson 33 [servant]
Mary Thomas 10
Mahiby Richardson 4
Anna Starke 19 [servant]
1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Warren Russell
Age: 58
Birth Year: abt 1822
Birthplace: Maine
Home in 1880: Tuckahoe, Henrico, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Self (Head)
Marital Status: Widower
Father's Birthplace: Maine
Mother's Birthplace: Maine
Occupation: Farmer
Household Members:
Name Age
Warren Russell 58
James H. Russell 21 [farm helper]
Martha E. Russell 18 [keeps house]
Eward H. Russell 10 [at school]
1893 Richmond City Directory, p. 584.
Warren Russell, mngr. home: 818 East Clay
1895 Richmond City Directory, p. 636.
Warren Russell home: 934 West Grace | RUSSELL, Warren (I5947)
33 |
Sergeant, Co. B, 38th Alabama Infantry, Captured near Atlanta, July 22, 1864; held as POW at Camp Chase Ohio for 7 months.
Camp Chase, named for Sec. of the Treasury and former Ohio governor Salmon P. Chase, began as a training camp for Union volunteers, housing a few political and military prisoners from Kentucky and western Virginia. The camp received its first large influx of captured Confederates from western campaigns, including enlisted men, officers, and a few of the latter's black servants. On oath of honor, Confederate officers were permitted to wander through Columbus, register in hotels, and receive gifts of money and food. The public paid for camp tours, and Chase became a tourist attraction. Complaints over such lax discipline and the camp's state administration provoked investigation, and the situation changed.
As the war wore on, conditions became worse. Shoddy barracks, low muddy ground, open latrines, above ground open cisterns, and a brief smallpox outbreak excited U.S. Sanitary Commission agents who were already demanding reform. Original facilities for 3,500-4,000 men were jammed with close to 7,000. Since parole strictures prohibited service against the Confederacy, many Federals had surrendered believing they would be paroled and sent home. Some parolees, assigned to guard duty at Federal prison camps, were bitter, and rumors increased of maltreatment of prisoners at Camp Chase and elsewhere.
Before the end of hostilities, Union parolee guards were transferred to service in the Indian Wars, some sewage modifications were made, and prisoners were put to work improving barracks and facilities. Prisoner laborers also built larger, stronger fences for their own confinement, a questionable assignment under international law governing prisoners of war. Barracks rebuilt for 7,000 soon overflowed, and crowding and health conditions were never resolved. As many as 10,000 prisoners were reputedly confined there by the time of the Confederate surrender.
(Source: "Historical Times Encyclopedia of the Civil War) | KIRK, Oliver Hazard Perry (I7504)
34 |
Chaplain, Clarke Co. Guards
90 day Volunteers
Joined March 1862
Stationed at Halls Mills and Mobile.
| KIRK, William R. (I7500)
35 |
Dallas Johnson owned the land on which George/Paschal Johnson first settled in Fluvanna County. The house was near Palmyra. | JOHNSON, George Dallas (I23365)
36 |
Excerpts from Tate Families of the Southern States, Volume II, by Laura Mentzel and Ethel Updike, 1984
Robert Fugate was born in 1789 in Russell County, VA, son of Colbert and Hannah Tate Fugate. He married September 13, 1810 to Esther Seymour. A pretty, old, brick house on State route 71, near Grassy Creek in Russell County, Va was the home of Robert Fugate. It was built prior to the civil War. Robert was a Justice of the Peace for Russell County, a Surveyor and an Engineer. He joined the Methodist Church in 1818 and nearby the old brick home, he built a brick church, long since torn down. It was named "Esther's Chapel" in honor of his wife. At the time slavery was abolished he owned 18 slaves. Their ages and birth dates were kept on a sheet of paper inserted into the family bible. Some of these slaves stayed on with the Fugate family after emancipation.
Reference: Emory L. Hamilton
Will Book 8, Page 370, dated December 9, 1829:
Robert Tate, Hannah Fugate, Samuel Tate and the heirs of Jane Haddox, dec'd. to wit: Usley Hay, wife of John Hay; Nancy Davidson, wife of Cyrus Davidson, Polly, wife of ???, Martha Williams, Wife of Jenkins Williams, Hannah Frazier, wife of John Frazier, John Haddox and Lydia, heirs of said Jane Haddox, John Buster and wife Martha, William Fugate and wife Lydia, heirs of John Tate, Esq., deceased of Russell County of one part and to Isaac Tate. Hannah Tate, widow of Colbert O. Fugate, Samuel Tate, Jane Haddox, wife of Henley Haddox, Isaac Tate, Lydia Fugate, wife of William, 108 acres on both sides of Big Moccasin Creek, sig; etc.
Will Book 4, page 403, dated February 11, 1829: Sale, Page 443, February 15, 1829:
Robert Tate, Martin Fugate, Zachariah Fugate, Isaac Tate, William Tate, John Tate, Hannah Fugate, Elisha Tate, Uriah Fugate, John Tate.
Robert Tate adm. Book 42 Page 502, Robert Tate adm. of John Tate, dec'd. Isaac Tate, $55.00; Hannah Fugate, $29.00, John Fugate, William Fugate
Fiduciary: Book 2, Page 154, dated January 4, 1808; Charles Robinson all my estate goods, chattels to my loving stepson James H. Tate, black horse. Sig. Colbert Fugate, John Tate. | FUGATE, Robert (I5303)
37 |
Boston is the great-uncle of President Richard M. Nixon.
White House Special Files Box 10 Folder 11 - The Ancestry of Richard Milhous Nixon. Third Edition, 1971.
p. 19
George b 1821 McE1ree Rd, Washington, Pat d Ju1 14-1863 Gettysburg, PA m Jan 10-1843 Washington Co, Pa Margaret Ann b 1826 Smith Twp, Washington Co d Mar 18-1865 Vinton Co.; buried McArthur, OH.
George was twelve when he moved to Smith Twp, Wa~hington Co. He was married by Rev Thomas. M Hudson, Methodist presiding elder, at the home of his' sister, Eleanor Scothorn, in South Strabane Twp. He lived in Smith
Twp, likely at Atlasburg, until he and his family moved to Elk Twp, Vinton Co, Ohio,in 1853. His father had gone to Vinton County in 1844.
On Nov.9-1861 George enlisted in the Union Army. The records at Washington list him as "age 40, farmer, 5 feet, brown eyes, light complexion and hair". He was mustered into service at Waverly, Pike Co, Ohio as a private in Company-B, 73rd Regiment of Ohio Infantry.
They left camp near Chillicothe OH on 24-1862. ··The regiment was in West Virginia until April when it went to McDowell, Va. It was in. the 9attle of Cross Keys June 8
and Manassas Aug 28. The winter camp was at Aquia Creek, Va. The regiment was at Chancellorsville in the spring, but did not get into fighting. It reached Gettysburg, PA at 2 pm Jul 1-1863 and went into position near what is now the National Cemetery. On July 2 there was sharpshooting and
George was wounded. He died in a nearby hospital July 14. His grave is close to the spot where Abraham Lincoln gave his famous dedicatory address a few months later.
The marker reads "GEORGE NIXON CO. B REGT. 73" Ninety years later on Jul. 5,1953 his great~grandson, Richard Nixon,
visited the grave and placed flowers on it.
The widow survived for twenty months. At her death Mar 18-1865 she left eight children ages 21 to 5. See her widow's pension record in the National Archives (WC 84443).
1. Martha L Nixon b 1844 m Aug 30-1862 John Vansky
a. George Vansky
b. Mary Vansky
c. William Vansky
2. David Palmer Nixon b Jan 23-1846 d Nov 21-1932 Goshen, WV m Dec 20-1871 Rachel H Clark d Jan 21-1925
a. Louisa L Nixon b Sep 10-1872 d young
b. C Frank Nixon b Nov 11-1874 d 1920, unmarried
c. Olive G Nixon.b Nov 1876 d Jun 9-1963 m. A G Alderson
d. Columbus Henry Nixon b Sep 15-1879 d May 16-1966
e. George Nixon d yg ,
f. Mary A Nixon b May 21-1883 d May 3-1965, unmarried
3. Samuel Brady Nixon *** Richard Nixon's grandfather
4. Margaret Lovina Nixon b 1849 m Jul'6-1865 William W. Carson no further record
5. Sarah Elizabeth Nixon b Sep 15-1851 m Robert Shields
a. Elliott Shields d young
b. William John Shields
c. Blanche Shields m Edward Hindman
d. Mary Melissa Shields m J A Richardson
e. Georgetta Shields m Hugh Miller
6. William Francis Nixon b Feb 2-1854 d Aug 12-1863
7. Boston A Nixon b Apr 6-1856 d Jun 16-1939, buried Aumsville, Ore m 1 H C Livingston. m 2 c1888 Lucy Christian b Mar 16-1865 McDowell Co, W Va d Jul 6-1939 Springfield, Ore
a. Charles M Nixon b May 20-1881 "
b. Margaret Nixon b Mar 9-1890 d Feb 23-1970 m Claude Martin
c. George Thomas Nixon b Feb 11-1892 d May 3-1965
d.Winford Kessler Nixon b Oct 6-1894
Page 20
e. David Palmer Nixon b'Jul 6-1896 d Jun 25-1964
f. Henry Delbert Nixon b 1898 d 1962
g. Matilda Nixon b Apr 15-1900 m Riehtor Carron
h. Marie Nixon b Mar 3-1902 m Percy Ross
i. Albert Nixon b 1904 d Oct 3-1922 m Linnie Fertog
8. Hiram D Nixon b Mar 15-1858 d Jan 26-1927 Washington CH, Ohio m Nov 13-1880 Clarinda J Leach d Jun 9-1909
a. Roy Benson Nixon b Dec 29-1881 d Apr 1-1971 McArthur, Ohio
b. Austin Roscoe Nixon b 1883 d Mar 1953
c. Dallie C Nixon b Nov 3-1887 d 1888
d. Guy Brandon Nixon b May 24-1891 d Nov 5-1963
e. Clara Hazel Nixon b Aug 30-1893 d Jul 1935
f. Elizabeth Marie Nixon b 1895 d May 18-1921
9. Elihu (Lyle) Andrew Nixon b Aug 22-1860 d Jan 7-1948 Frankfort, Ohio m Apr 5-1882 Alice J Roach b Sep·20-1865 d Sep 6-1923
a. Alta Estella Nixonb ~ay 13-1883 d Jan 8-1965 m Albert Young
b. Dora Blanche Nixon b Feb 12-1885
c. Bertie Ray Nixon b Nov 8-1887
d. Mamie Murdell Nixon b Nov 23-1889
e. Marie Bell Nixon b Aug 16-1891 m Lewis Bates:
f. Earl Motley Nixo~ b Apr 30-1893
g. Freddie Ernest Nixon b Jul 12-1898 d Apr 25-1971
page 17
Samuel b Oct 9-1847 Atlasburg, Smith Twp, Washington Co, Pal
d Apr 28-1914 Vinton Co, Ohio; m l Apr 10-1873 Hocking Co, Ohio Sarah Ann Wadsworth b Oct 15-1852 Hocking Co, d Jan 18-1886 Vinton Co, m 2 Lutheria Wyman b Oct 18-1863 d 1948 California, she m 2 in Cal Dr W V Marshburn
Samuel was six when he moved to Ohio; he was almost 16 when his father was killed at Gettysburg, Pa. He farmed, taught school and carried mail. Sarah Ann's health was not good. Attempts to find a better climate in the Carolinas and Georgia failed. Samuel and Sarah Ann are buried in Ebenezer Methodist Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, Vinton County. Samuel had over 40 Nixon and over 60 Trimmer first cousins.
page 16
Francis b: Dec 3-1878 Elk Twp, Vinton Co, Ohio; t,d Sep 4,1956 La Habra, Cal; m Jun 25-1908 Whittier, Cal Hannah Milhous b Mar 7-1885 near Butlerville, Jennings Co, Ind; d Sep 30-1967.
Francis (Frank) was brought up as a Methodist; Hannah as a Quaker. After their marriage he became a Quaker. He moved as a boy to Woodgeard Road, Ebenezer Ridge, south of Hue, Ohio. He attended Ebenezer School and Ebenezer Methodist Church at Mount Pleasant, Vinton Co. After his mother's death he lived with his uncle Elihu (Lyle) Nixon. He worked as a motorman in Columbus, Ohio from 1901 to 1907 before moving to Whittier, California - a warmer climate. At a party given by the conductor with whom he worked he met Hannah Milhous.
After marriage they lived in Whittier, Lindsay, Yorba Linda and returned in 1922 to East Whittier, where they operated the Nixon Market. From 1947 to 1950 they lived on a farm at Menges Mills, York Co, Pa. Again for health reasons they returned to Whittier and later lived at nearby La Habra, California.
1. Harold Samuel Nixon b Jun 1-1909 d Mar 7-1933
2. Richard Milhous Nixon (1)
3. Francis Donald Nixon b Nov 23-1914 m Aug 9-1942 Clara Jane Lemke
a. Lawrene Mae Nixon b Jul 18-1943
b. Donald Anthony Nixon b Dec 12-1945
c. Richard Calvert Nixon b Aug 28-1952
4. Arthur Burdg Nixon b May ~6-1918 d Aug 1925
5. Edward Calvert Nixon b May 3-1930 m Jun 1-1957 Gay Lynne Woods
a. Amelia Nixon b Jun-4-1958
b. Elizabeth Nixon b Apr 14-1960
b. Elizabeth Nixon b Apr 14-1960
| Nixon, Boston Alexander (I18069)
38 |
The Bureau of Freedmen, Refugees, and Abandoned Lands, commonly known as the Freedmen's Bureau, was created by an act of Congress on March 3, 1865, just a few weeks before Abraham Lincoln's assassination. The Bureau was initially chartered to operate for just one year, but continued until 1868 under the care of commissioner General Oliver O. Howard, who was aided by assistant commissioners in every Southern state and by hundreds of local agents.
As its full name suggests, the Bureau's work combined care for millions of newly freed slaves and the administration of Southern lands seized by Union forces during the war. The Bureau was authorized to distribute much-needed food, fuel, clothing, and medical supplies to the freedmen; to regulate labor and contracts; to aid in the founding of schools and churches; to ensure justice in all legal cases involving freedmen; and, perhaps most promisingly for freedmen in 1865, to distribute abandoned and confiscated Confederate lands among former slaves for rental and eventual sale.
At the local level, the Bureau was usually bitterly opposed by white Southerners and firmly supported by African-Americans. Its work was hindered by local opposition, inadequate funding from the federal government, and the politics of Reconstruction.
Source: Annual report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Virginia. Dept. of Education, 1880
"During the last year of the war, colored regiments which remained in camp for any length of time had regimental schools under the direction of the chaplain, with such assistants as he needed. The attendance was voluntary, but embraced most of the younger men; the assistant teachers were provided by charitable associations North. The soldiers clubbed their efforts and built a rude school-house, which served also for prayer-meetings, and for preaching services in bad weather. Such schools were numerous at Alexandria, Fort Monroe, Hampton, Norfolk, Portsmouth. In these places, and in the country immediately adjacent to them, the colored children were quite fully provided with teachers. Colored churches, disused barrack-buildings and abandoned dwelling houses supplied school-rooms. During the twelve months preceding the close of the war there must have been as many as three or four thousand children under daily instruction in these schools. I have only my recollection to guide me, and cannot pretend to accuracy.
"There was a great development of this work in the spring and autumn of 1865, and for the five years following, during which the Freedman's Bureau assumed the general control of educational operations and contributed largely to their success, by the erection of buildings and the rental and repairs of others, school-furniture, etc, etc.
"The teachers were commissioned and paid chiefly by the following associations:
"The New York Branch American Freedman's Union Commission. "The New England Branch American Freedman's Union Commission. The American Missionary Association.
"And Missionary Societies in the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal Churches, and the Philadelphia Friends.
"In 1865 there were 200 teachers and near 13,000 pupils. A gradual increase from year to year until 1870 (when the whole system was discontinued), when there were 412 teachers and over 18,000 pupils. During the last two years Dr. Sears aided by supplementing the salaries of a large number of teachers, and in many schools a small tuition fee was collected.
"Teachers.?Time enough has passed for a dispassionate judgment of the temper, spirit, and professional skill of these workers?the teachers from the North. There was some drift-wood and a few pieces of rotten-wood. This was to be expected where the executive officers of the associations were sending hundreds of teachers, received on recommendations, to all parts of the South. But poor material or indifferent material was in very small proportion to the whole. And there was much of the best work I ever saw done. The young ladies were, in many cases, from homes of affluence and refinement and the highest Christian principle. I doubt if there is better teaching or better discipline in any school in this land than my assistant teachers did for me in my Normal school during its first six years.
I have always affirmed, and still believe, that during this period of five or six years not less than 20,000 learned to read, and some became good scholars and some excellent teachers.
Respectfully, R. M. Manly.
Richmond, Va., December 20, 1880."
Source: http://vshadow.vcdh.virginia.edu/fbureau/bureau_jackson4.html
Thomas P. Jackson to R. M. Manly, October 2, 1867
Jackson informs Manly of the availability of a school room in the basement of the Methodist Episcopal Church and asks $100 for supplies. He also states the community's preference for a male teacher.
R. M. Manly to Thomas P. Jackson, October 4, 1867
Manly tells Jackson that the only teacher he has available at the moment is a woman, and because the charitable societies have a shortage of teachers, it is unlikely that Jackson will find a male teacher for Staunton.
This website is a digital archive of the Freedman's Bureau in the Augusta Co. VA, Staunton and the surrounding counties. It contains a huge source of information.
| Manly, Ralza Morse (I13631)
39 |
Gibson Cluverius, d. Feb. 23, 1789, Gloucester Co. Widow's pension application of Mrs. Susan (Whiting) Cluverius Lowry, a resident of Elizabeth City Co., Va., when she made an affidavit dated Aug. 26, 1850, "stating that she was 77 years in August last"; "she stated that her first husband, Gibson Cluverius, served in the Rev. War. Principally in the County of Gloucester....and in the service of the State of Virginia. That she knows of no battles in which her said husband was engaged but has heard him speak of his company being fired at by the enemy's ship entering York River."
Gibson Cluverius m. in Gloucester on March 4, 1786, to Susan Whiting who m. (2) on Sept. 29, 1791, to John Lowry (d. 1821) of Gloucester. Gibson Cluverius and his wife Susan Whiting had issue. Their eldest child was daughter Elizabeth b. 1787, who m. (1) in 1802 to Anthony Armistead and (2) in 1818 to Robert Lowry. She, the daughter, was living in Elizabeth City Co., with her mother in 1850. Cluverius had probably at least one other child (Thomas). Pension application W. 8061. (National Archives).
Gloucester Co. VA Tax List 1790
Cluverius, Gibson estate 376.33 acres
Gloucester Co. VA Tax List 1791
Cluverius, Susanna 376.33 acres
Marriages of Some Virginia Residents 1607-1800, p.107 has Susanna Whiting as the daughter of Thomas Whiting and Elizabeth Seawell. It indicates that a chancery suit in Williamsburg in 1810 proves the relationship. | WHITING, Susanna (I8040)
40 |
United States Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit
Argued June 20, 1952
Decided Sept. 25, 1952
J. Raymond Gordon, Charleston, W.Va., for appellant.
Philip A. Baer, Asst. U.S. Atty., Huntington, W.Va. (A. Garnett Thompson, U.S. Atty., Charleston, W.Va., on brief), for appellee.
Before PARKER, Chief Judge, SOPER, Circuit Judge, and PAUL, District judge.
PARKER, Chief Judge
This is an appeal in a proceeding instituted under 26 U.S.C. §§ 2831, 3116 and 3321, for the forfeiture of an automobile truck which it was alleged had been used to convey materials and necessary equipment to an illicit distillery by one Roy Harman. Lucille Harman filed an intervening petition claiming that she was the owner of the truck and that she had no knowledge that it was being used in violation of the internal revenue laws. A jury trial was had, and in response to issues submitted to them the jury found that the truck was used by Roy Harman to haul materials for use in making moonshine whiskey and that Lucille Harman knew or had reason to believe that it was being used for that purpose. Judgment of forfeiture was entered on this verdict and Lucille Harman has appealed
A large moonshine still was discovered by officers near the home of Beverly French Harman in McDowell County, West Virginia, so situated that it could not well have been operated without the use of a truck for the purpose of conveying materials and utensils to a nearby point. Roy Harman was the son of Beverly French Harman and the brother of Newton Harman and Gratin Harman who were definitely shown to have been engaged with David Robert Stevenson in operating the still. There was evidence that Roy Harman was closely associated with Newton Harman, that he made frequent visits to the Beverly French Harman home and that he used a truck to haul sugar, middlings, grain, yeast and other supplies to a point near the distillery. No one connected with the distillery except Roy Harman had the use of a car or truck. The truck in question was bought and paid for by him and he operated it. Although the title was placed in the name of Lucille Harman, a girl whom he was engaged to be married, she paid nothing towards purchasing it and had nothing to do with its operation, except that she frequently rode around in it with him. This evidence was clearly sufficient to take the case to the jury.
Equally lacking in merit is the contention with respect to the examination and testimony of the witness Stevenson. This witness had given a statement to government counsel to the effect that Roy Harman had hauled sugar, middlings, yeast and jugs on a Ford pick up truck to a point about 200 yards above the Harman house in the direction of the distillery. When called to the stand by the prosecution he gave testimony in conflict with this statement, whereupon counsel for the prosecution asked leave to cross examine him as a hostile witness. This was allowed and the witness admitted giving the statement and testified that it was the truth.
There is nothing in the contention that the court erred in allowing the jury to consider the statement as evidence in the case instead of limiting it to impeachment of the testimony of the witness. When the witness testified that the statement was true it became a part of his testimony, and not mere matter of impeachment, and was to be weighed by the jury along with the other testimony he had given.
The third question is whether the proceeding for condemnation must fail because the truck was taken into possession for the purpose of the proceeding, not from Roy Harman or the claimant, but from state officers who had seized and searched it when arresting Roy Harman without a warrant. No question is presented with respect to the admissibility of evidence obtained as the result of an unlawful search and seizure, for no such evidence was offered. Forfeiture is asked not on account of what was found at the time of seizure but of what had occurred prior thereto; and vehicles may be forfeited for violations of law occurring prior to seizure as well as when they are seized flagrante delicto.
The fact that the state officers may have had no authority to seize the truck when arresting Harman is immaterial, for they yielded possession to the federal authorities for the purposes of this proceeding; and it is well settled that 'where property declared by a federal statute to be forfeited, because used in violation of federal law, is seized by one having no authority to do so, the United States may adopt the seizure with the same effect as if it had originally been made by one duly authorized.
We can see no reason for doubting the soundness of these principles when the forfeiture is dependent upon subsequent events any more than when it occurs at the time of the seizure, although it was argued that there was a difference. They seem to us to embody good sense. The exclusion of evidence obtained by an unlawful search and seizure stand on a different ground. | HARMAN, Roy T. (I31)
41 |
James Striegel Tate Papers, Tennessee State Library and Archives 1742 - 1980
On Dec. 13, 1774 surveyors for Finncastle County Virginia surveyed a tract of 174 acres on Moccasin Creek in what is now Russell County, Virginia This tract was granted to Robert Tate, my great great-great grandfather. I know nothing of his ancestry or that of his wife Mary, and this grant remains my earliest knowledge of the family to date (1979).
On Dec. 12, 1774 John Tate received a grant of 145 acres on Moccasin Creek about three miles from the land grant of Robert Tate.
On May 1, 1782 Washington County Virginia issued land grants of 250 acres to Robert Tate and 100 acres to John Tate, both on Moccasin Creek. On February 20, 1793 William Tate bought 145 acres on Moccasin Creek adjoining the 424 acres granted to Robert Tate.
Some in the family, believe their Robert, John, and William Tate were brothers. No proof has been found, but the inter-family relationships are supportive. I strongly urged all researchers to examine this grouping if encountered.
Robert and John were active in County militia and government affairs from 1781 to their deaths. William can find himself to farming. William died testate on Sept. 15, 1803. The two of Roberts and one of John sons were witnesses to his will. He named the widow, four sons and a daughter. Robert junior. It was named executor.
Moccasin Creek was located in Boutetort County prior to 1773; in Finncastle County from January 1773 to January 1777; in Washington County from 1777 to May 1786; in Russell County May from 1786 to present.
We are largely ignorant of the activities of the five brothers from their arrival in Tennessee until about 1850. The primary causes are:
1) the division of Warren County in 1844 to create Grundy County. The splitting of records.
2) fires in the late 1840s in the courthouses of both counties with resultant loss of numerous public records that are critical to a genealogical researcher.
3) the low level of literacy with consequent lack of personal records.
4) the critical need to firmly establish a government and economy in an area that had a few short years before, been " Indian lands." They were concerned with "making a living" rather than telling about it.
Robert Tate died testate July 24, 1806. John's son Isaac was a witness to the will as were two of Robert?s owns sons. He named Mary, his widow and the children in the following order:
Joseph Tate, Alexander Tate, Aaron Tate, Polly (Mary) Tate, John Tate, James Tate and Robert Tate (Jr.). the will was dated July 29, 1790. It was admitted to probate on February 3, 1807.
Except for Joseph, born Sept. 11, 1778, we don't know the birth dates of any of Robert?s children, but ages shown on Tennessee and Alabama census returns for 1820 to 1850 refute the possible believe that the order of listing was the order of birth. It was not.
I have wondered why there was so much time (over six months) between Robert's death and the processing of the Will for probate. My own belief is that a number of the heirs were in Tennessee looking for place to which they would migrate. I cite:
1) Henry Hill, the first settler at Hills Creek on Collins River in Warren County Tennessee " hunted the area in 1801 to 1802 accompanied by men who later settled the area, among them Tates."
2) John Tate of Russell Connie, Virginia was not on the tax rolls of Russell Connie after 1795, but Joseph, James and Robert Jr. were.
3) James and Ruth sold their Virginia lands between 1801 and 1805. (To go to Tennessee? -- who knows?).
4) John and dicey sold their Virginia lands between July 1807 and October 1809. (Heady been in Tennessee prior to Roberts death?)
5) White County, Tennessee was formed from "Indian lands" in 1806. It includes the area later named Warren County.
6) On Aug. 6, 1806 (13 days after Robert staff) a petition signed by 313 men asked that a county be established from White County. Warren County was formed from White County and 1807. John, James, Robert and Joseph (had Joseph also gone to Tennessee looking for lands, a search that became unnecessary after his father died?)
7) The White County court record for 1806 shows Robert Tate to be a resident of the county.
8) Two of Roberts sons, John and Robert Jr., were witnesses to his well and had to return to Virginia to prove the will for probate. The other heirs also appear to have returned to Virginia to settle the estate.
At some date, after February 3, 1807, Robert's widow, Mary and all their children, except Joseph, moved to Warren County, Tennessee. They were all listed on the tax rolls of Warren County TN for the year 1812.
On October 14, 1816, all of the children sold their inherited interest in 177 acres of land to their brother Joseph, who stayed on the family home place in Virginia. Their mother relinquished her dower rights on the same date. This action is the last record we have a Polly Tate and her husband, Meredith Price and of Mary Tate, their mother. The remaining children, Alexander, Aaron, John, James and Robert (H.) Jr., all continue to appear in the public records of Warren County, Tennessee and of Grundy County, Tennessee which was founded from Warren County in 1844.
We do know that:
1) The earliest settlement in Warren County was at the junction of Hills Creek and Collins River near present-day Irvine college. Alexander and John lived there on Dry Creek which is a tributary to Hills Creek. They remained residents of Warren County.
2) Aaron lived on Wanamaker's Branch very near the future Grundy County line. After his last child was born in Warren County, Tennessee, in 1833, Aaron moved his family into the newly opened "Indian lands" that are now in DeKalb County, Alabama with which he is hereafter associated.
3) James and Robert H. lived on Taylor's Creek near to Mt. Olive and Philadelphia Church where James is buried. The formation of Grundy County in 1844 left them residents thereof and they remained as afterward.
John died intestate in 1845 and Warren County. Very little is known of him or his progeny. His widow, Dicey (Leodicia Hogg Tate) survived him. She was made administrator in October, 1845. The date of her death is unknown and the burial place of both are also unknown.
Alexander died in testate about 1847 in Warren County. He had children, Douglas, Elgan, and Sophronia. All three migrated to Missouri. U.S. census records for Texas County, Missouri show the families of Douglas and Algan to 1888 which time I have lost trace. I never found any record of marriage or progeny for Sophronia.
James died testate in Grundy County on April 19, 1849. His first wife was Ruth by whom he had 13 children. They were divorced about 1827 -- 28 and on February 23, 1829, he married Elizabeth Smith, a much younger woman. They had five children, the oldest of which was apparently born out of wedlock. I, in common with most of the Tates of Grundy County, am a descendant of James and Ruth Tate. He left more records of himself than any of the others.
Robert H. died testate in Grundy County in 1867. His burial place is unknown. He also had two wives. Nothing is known of Susannah (the first). She signed the deed to Joseph in 1816 as Robert's wife. The second wife, Cintha, is also unknown to us. She survived Robert in 1867, and jointly inherited his estate with Aaron, a son of Robert and Susannah's. After Aarons death, in 1907, a suit was instituted to make possible the final settlement of Robert' estate. The suit named the children of Robert and Susannah. No clear records have been found in to identify the children of Robert and Cintha. They were not involved in the suit. | TATE, James Striegel (I15591)
42 |
James' will is recorded in Berwick, Massachusetts Province, (now Berwick, York Co. Maine), proved December 24, 1702. In it he names heirs, sons Gilbert, and James and daughters, Margaret, GRIZEL, and granddaughter, Jane Grant and grandson James Stagpole, wife Margaret and son James, Jr., executors.
"In the name of god Amen: James Warren Snr of the parish of Barwick in the town of Kittrey... Do make & ordain this my last will & testement as foloweth being sick & week of bodey but in good & perfect memory Viz...
1- I do give unto my son Gilbert Warren all yt tract of land which I bought of John Davis living in ye town ship of York to him & to his haires forever
2- I do give unto my son James warren all my other Lands marshes medoes buldings of all sorts Liing in ye town shep of Kettrey or elce whare to him & his haires for ever
3- I do Give to my Daughter Margrat Stagpole five Shiling
4- I do Give to by Daughter Grizel five Shilings-
5- I do Give to my Granddaughter Jane Grant five Shilings
6- I do Give to my Grandson James Stacpole- one hefer & one Ewe & a young fold-
7- I do Give unto Margrat waren my loveing wife all ye rest of my of my Estate it being moveabels for her Comfertabel mantainance and no legusi before mentioned to be demanded til her decse
8- I do Constitute & Appoint My liveing wife Margrat & my son James Waren to bee Executrix and Executor to this my will & testement made this ninth day of December one thousand seven hundred as wittness my hand-
James X Waren
his mark-
Robert: X : Gray
his mark
James: A : Stacpole
his mark
Nicolas Gowen
An Invatary of the Estate of James Warren Late of Kittrey
Imp: to his waring Cloathes...... 03-00-00
to two Cows & two Hiffers of three years......12-00-00
to fourteen Sheep........... 04-04-00
to Six Swine and Six piggs......05-08-00
to the Dwelling house and the barn: and ye home Lot of Land...........80-00-00
to hundred Acres of Land and ten Acres of Marsh Lying
at whits Marsh.... 40-00-00
to two barrels & one hogshead.......
to one half bushel.....00-01-00
to two Brast Chaines and Apees and one Cleaver.. 00-16-00
to tooles and old Iron......... 01-07-00
to Brass But Saw.....00-07-00
to one barrel Sider..00-10-00
to Indian Corn..... 02-05-00
to A grind Stone.....00-05-00
( ) from Richard ( ).... 05-10-00
to two ( ) and two pichfork tynes......00-03-00
to Linning yarn and wooling Cotton wool
and Sheep wool:..... 04-10-00
to beding: and one feather bed bolster and pillowes. 08-00-00
to four sheets:..... 03-00-00
to new Cloath: Linning and woling......... 02-10-00
to one brass Kittel.... 02-00-00
to Hachet..... 00-01-08
to forty Acres of Land by york bridg..... 30-00-00
to puter:.... 01-06-00
to Spoones: woodin Trayes A ( )........ 03-00
to one Iron Kittel one pott one fryen pan one skillet
one tramel A pare of pot Hoks...... 01-01-00
to one Hamer one trowel pare of fire tongs: and som old
Iron and A pare of pincers..... 00-06-00
to A Chamber pot and: eight pounds flax....00-05-06
to four bushels pase:six bushels barley and A Cooler 02-01-00
to A barel and: half of beef.....02-10-00
to A ( )....00-08-00
to money:....11-16-04
to one bushel mault: one bushel Sault.... 00-06-00
to two Chests... 00-04-00
Aprised December:ye:15:1702
Peter O Grant
William Goodin"(12) | WARREN, James (I7076)
43 |
Land records: James River Communities in Botetourt Co.
12 August, 1788, Nicholas Hipes, Grant 400 acres, adjoining Robert Harris on Spreading Springs Branch.
Source: Kegley's Virginia frontier: the beginning of the Southwest: the Roanoke of colonial days, 1740-1783, Frederick Bittle Kegley, Genealogical Publishing Com, 1938. p. 444.
1792 Nicholas Hypes, Grants 112 and 62 acres, adjoining Elias Linkenhager, Joseph Kyle, and others.
Source: Kegley's Virginia frontier: the beginning of the Southwest: the Roanoke of colonial days, 1740-1783, Frederick Bittle Kegley, Genealogical Publishing Com, 1938. p. 415.
April 9 1799, George and Rosanna Rule, his wife, sold to Nicholas Hipes, on the waters of Spreading Branch (a
branch of the James River)
Source: Botetourt County Deed Book Vol. 6 pg 646)
Member of the militia, Captain Cartmill's Company, 1783
Nicholas Hipes, 5 horses, 9 cattle, no slaves, no tithable
p. 438
Source: Kegley's Virginia frontier: the beginning of the Southwest: the Roanoke of colonial days, 1740-1783, Frederick Bittle Kegley, Genealogical Publishing Com, 1938.
Last Will and Testment
Nicholas Hipes, Botetourt Co., VA
Annotation: Taken from original manuscripts in the state archives. Names given throughout pages 1-677. Foreigners arriving in Pennsylvania named on pages 521-667. No. 3776, Kelker, supplements this.
Botetourt County, VA Wills Book B pages 14-15
In the name of God, Amen, I, Nicholas Hipes of the County of Botetourt and State of Virginia, a farmer being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be unto God calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, that is to say Principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise, and dispose of the same in the following manner and form:
1. I give and bequeath to my sons, John, Peter, and Henry, and to my daughters, Elizabeth, now Elizabeth Abel, and daughter Barbary, late Barbary Hammond, the lands and houses ... for which each have a deed.
2.I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Magdalon, now Magdalon Gross, thirty acres of land joining said Jacob Gross land.
3.I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Apollonia Hipes, all my movable estate both within and without doors to her sole use and behoof during her life only reserving my just debts and my burial to be paid out of the same and after her death the same to be equally divided among all my children, viz., John, Henry, Peter, Elizabeth, Barbara, Magdalon, Margret, Maria Elizabeth Hipes or their heirs.
Lastly I make constitute and ordain my son, Peter Hipes, and my son-in-law Jacob Gross, my sole executors of this my last will and Testament ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two. Signed, sealed and declared by the said Nicholas Hipes as his last will and Testament in the presence of [Signature] George Rule [Translated]Signature and seal [Signature] Jacob Young [Translated]Nicolaus Heibst John George Butler
At a Botetourt County Court in September, 1802, an inventory of Nicolaus Heibst personal is recorded in Will Book B, pages 19 and 20. The following items were listed in the Will Book: 12 head meat cattle, one colt, one waggon, one cutting (I), two old saddles, two small rings, one hand saw, drawing knife, one dung fork hook, one pair steelyards, two hammers, one shovel plow, one oven, one frying pan, one pot rack, and pot hooks, four chairs, tin ware, one dresser, one pair gears, one tub half bushel, one wheat sieve, to an account against James Murray fifteen pounds, three baggs flour, cask, one cheek reel, a parcel of books, one chest and padlock, one felt hat, lone large kettle, one heafer [heifer], bond on Peter Hipes due 1806, bond on Henry Hipes due 1806, 10 head sheep, one filley, one crosscut saw, one windmill, two iron wedges, parcel of old irons, one foot adze, two hoes, one flax hackle, four chisels, one wheat sieve, three iron pots, one skillet, three ladies, one flax wheel, pair of fire irons, parcel of pewter delf ware, one spice mill, one log chain, one church crockery ware, one bed and furniture, five bread baskets, one eight plate stove, one table, one clothes press, waring apperal, thirteen hogs, one gun, bond on John Hipes due 1804, note on Henry Hipes due 1800, cash six pounds. The total value of all appears to be two hundred and twenty pounds, four shillings.
| Heibst, Johann Nicholas (I5808)
44 |
Maiden name was on her daughter Barbara's death certificate. | Todd, Alice (I21244)
45 |
merican Civil War Soldiers
Name: Mathias Christian
Side Served: Confederacy
State Served: Virginia
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private.
Enlisted in Company C, 34th Battn Cavalry Regiment Virginia. | CHRISTIAN, Mathias (I4427)
46 |
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jan 1940
Enlistment Date: 13 Jan 1940
Rank: Private
Station: Headquarters Eastern Recruiting Division 407 New Custom House Phila PA
Remarks: 22 Jdentl at RS Baltimore MD to MB PI SC
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jan 1940
Enlistment Date: 13 Jan 1940
Rank: Private
Station: Marine Barracks, Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Feb 1940
Enlistment Date: 15 Jan 1940
Rank: Private
Station: Base Air Detachment One, Fleet Marine Force, Marine Barracks, Quantico, Virginia
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Mar 1940
Enlistment Date: 15 Jan 1940
Rank: Private
Station: CO E , Fifth Marines , First Marine Brigade , Fmf, MB , Quantico , Virginia
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Apr 1940; May 1940
Rank: Private
Station: Hq CO Second Bn, Fifth Marines, First Mar Brig, Fmf, Mb, Quantico, Virginia
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jun 1940; Jul 1940; Aug 1940
Rank: Private
Station: Company E, Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Brigade, Fleet Marine Force, MB, Quantico, Virginia
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Sep 1940
Rank: Private First Class
Station: Hq CO, Second Bn, Fifth Marines, First Mar Brig, Fmf, MB, Quantico, Virginia
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Oct 1940
Rank: Private First Class
Station: Hq CO, Second Bn, Fifth Marines, Fmb, Fmf, Fifth Marine Camp, NS, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Nov 1940
Rank: Private First Class
Station: Hq CO, Second Bn, Fifth Marines, Fmb, Fmf, USS Barnett, Ponce, Puerto Rico
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Dec 1940
Rank: Private First Class
Station: Hq CO, Second Bn, Fifth Marines, First Marine Brigade, Fmf, NS, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jan 1941
Rank: Private First Class
Station: Company E, Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Brigade, Fleet Marine Force, USS Harry Lee, Culebra, P.R.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Apr 1941
Rank: Private First Class
Station: Company E, Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force, Marine Barracks, Quantico, Virginia
Remarks: 10-28 fur.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jul 1941
Rank: Private First Class
Station: Hd and Servco, 6Th Mar, (Reinf), 1St Mar Brig (Provisional), Iceland.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Oct 1941; Jan 1942
Rank: Private First Class
Station: Brigade Headquarters Company,First Marine Brigade (Provisional), Iceland Base Command
Remarks: Msm
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Apr 1942
Rank: Corporal
Station: Headquarters And Service Company, Sixth Marines, Second Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force, Camp Elliott, San Diego, California.
Remarks: 1-13 fur. 14-30 RHQ
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jul 1942
Rank: Sergeant
Station: Headquarters And Service Company, Sixth Marines, Second Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force, San Diego, California.
Remarks: RHQ 3 pro.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Oct 1942
Rank: Sergeant
Station: Headquarters And Service Company, Sixth Marines (Reinf), Second Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force, In The Field, At Sea.
Remarks: RHQ
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jan 1943
Rank: Sergeant
Station: Headquarters And Service Company, Sixth Marines (Reinf), Second Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force, In The Field
Remarks: RHQ
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Apr 1943
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Station: Headquarters And Service Company, Sixth Marines (Reinf) Second Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force
RHQ Clerk
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jul 1943
Rank: Gunnery Sergeant
Station: Headquarters And Service Company, Sixth Marines, Second Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force, In The Field
Remarks: Hq Sec
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Oct 1943
Rank: Technical Sergeant
Station: Hq and Serv Co and Wpns Co, 6Th Mar, 2D Mar Div, Fmf, In The Field
Remarks: Hq&Servco (Cler) R personnel: 4 ext enl executed for (2) years eff 16Jan44.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jan 1944
Rank: Technical Sergeant
Station: Hq and Servco and Wpnsco, 6Thmar, 2Dmardiv, Fmf, In The Field
Remarks: Hq&Servco (Cler) 1-12 and 18-31 NCO inC Hq and Servco and Wpnsco Per Section 13-17 sk B-2-Med. 15 ext enl eff
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Apr 1944
Rank: Master Technical Sergeant
Station: Hqco, Casbn, Transient Center, VAC.
Remarks: Transferred 1 jdfr 2ndMarDiv VAC 7 to SDA Camp Elliott, San Diego, Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Apr 1944
Rank: Master Technical Sergeant
Station: Company "C" Casual Battalion, Mb, Camp Elliott, Calif.
Remarks: Cler
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jul 1944
Rank: Master Technical Sergeant
Station: Sixty-Fifth Replacement Battalion, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jul 1944
Rank: Master Technical Sergeant
Station: H and S Co, Inf Trng Regt, Trng Command, Fmf, Camp Lejeune, N.C.
Remarks: 816, 15 jdfr 65th ReplnBtn 16-31 Per Sec
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Oct 1944; Apr 1945; Jul 1945
Rank: Master Technical Sergeant
Station: Headquarters And Service Company, Infantry Training Regiment, Training Command, Fleet Marine Force, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
Remarks: Oct 1944 816 PerSec; Apr 1945 AstgRegtPersSgtMaj; Jul 1945 AstgRegtPersSgtMaj
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Oct 1945
Rank: Master Technical Sergeant
Station: Casual Company, Headquarters Battalion, Marine Training Command, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
Remarks: 1-31 temp d Parris Island, NC
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Oct 1945
Rank: Master Technical Sergeant
Station: Hq and Eq Company, Recruit Depot, Marine Barracks Parris Island, S. C.
Remarks: Temporarily Attached from Camp Lejeune NC conn instrn PersClfn.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jul 1946; Oct 1946
Rank: Master Technical Sergeant
Station: Headquarters Company, Headquarters Battalion, Camp Lejeune, N.C.
Remarks: Jul 1946 Clk, Bn Off.; Oct 1946 Clk CalPerSec Camp Hq
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jan 1947
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: Headquarters Company, Headquartes And Service Battalion, Mb, Camp Lejeune, N C
Remarks: Chief clk EnlPersSec Camp Hq
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jul 1947; Oct 1947; Jan 1948; Apr 1948
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: Headquarters Company; Mb, Naval Station, Treasure Island, San Francisco, Calif.
Remarks: Jul 1947 Clk CO Off; Oct 1947, Jan 1948, Apr 1948 Chief Clk CO Off
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jul 1948; Jan 1949; Apr 1949; Jan 1950
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: Marine Barracks, Guam, Marianas Islands
Remarks: Jul 1948 501 HQ Co 1stSgt; Jan 1949 501 HQ 15 jdreen1 reappointed Msgt 15-31 Co 1st Sgt and Member PE Committee of NCOs; 14 exp enl; char "EXC"; awd cert of satisfactory serv.; Apr 1949 Co 1st Sgt and Member PE Committee of NCOs; Jan 1950 fr lv US 5-17Dec49 awt trans at SF 18-26Dec49; 27Dec49-13Jan50 enr Guam via APA-30.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow Niswander
Muster Date: Apr 1950
Rank: Msgt
Station: Mb Guam
Note: He was delayed from leaving Guam until after Apr 1950.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow Niswander
Muster Date: Jul 1950; Oct 1950
Rank: Msgt
Station: I-I Staff 14Th Eng Co Hungtington W Va, Quantico Va
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow Niswander
Muster Date: Jan 1951; Apr 1951; Oct 1951; Jan 1952
Rank: Msgt
Station: MC D Of S Philadelphia Pa
Remarks: Jan 1952 Mri Quantico Va
Remarks: Jan 1952 ENL CONT ATT Drop honorable disch EofE 14 Jan52 auth par 10258 MCM 49 das UL set by cash.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow Niswander
Muster Date: Apr 1952
Rank: E7
Station: MC D Of S Philadelphia Pa, Mri Quantico Va
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow Niswander
Muster Date: Jul 1952; Oct 1952; Jan 1953; Apr 1953
Rank: E7
Station: H -S Co 2D Amph Trac Bn Fmf, Mri 2 Camp Lejeune NC
Remarks: Dt of rank shown as of 15Jan52
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow Niswander
Muster Date: Apr 1953; Jul 1953;Oct 1953; Jan 1954; Apr 1954
Rank: E7
Station: Sub Unit 1 H S Co 2D Amph Tractor Bn, Camp Lejeune NC
Remarks: Apr 1954 Drop tr to MB NavBase Bsn Mass for du auth FT SO 71-54 10das del EDA 23 Apr54
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow Niswander
Muster Date: Apr 1954; Jul 1954; Oct 1954
Rank: E7
Station: Mb Nb Boston Massachusetts
Remarks: Apr 1954 (IRC ATT) jd for du fr 2DAmphTracBn ForTrps FMF Lant CLNC [Camp Lejeune NC] auth MCSO 38-54 and their SO 71-54 7-10Apr54 pro 11-20Apr54 del 21-23Apr54 trav.
Oct 1954 Drop tr to MCB CJHP [Camp Pendleton] FFT as repl auth MCSO 217-54 and our SO 148-54 EDA 23Nov54
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jan 1955
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: H and Sco 2Dbn 3Dmar 3Dmardivfmf, Camp Fuji Japan
Remarks: jd 14Jan55 fr 2d ReplPn Staging Regt MarCor Base CampPen Calif (IRC's ATT)
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Apr 1956
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: VMF-311 MAG-33 3D MAW,MCAS El Toro (Santa Ana)
Remarks: jd fr USNB Treasure Island, San Fran Calif 21Mar-8Apr56 Delay 9Apr56 trav
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jan 1957; Jul 1957
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: VMF-311 MAG-33 3D MAW,MCAS El Toro(Santa Ana)Calif
Remarks: pro to 1stSgt rk fr 30Dec55 auth CMC ltr DNB-mjp 27Jun57 Ch Pri MOS-MOS is now 0398/none.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Woodrow W Niswander
Muster Date: Jan 1958
Rank: First Sergeant
Station: HqCo MP and GDbn MCB Camp Lejeune, NC
Remarks: Drop 13Jan58 HonDisc EofE auth 10258 MCM 60 days UL stt by cash. jdreenl 2 years New EAS 14Jan60 PULHES Code B T.
| NISWANDER, Woodrow Wilson (I5252)
47 |
Enlistment and Boot Camp
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1941
Rank: Private
Station: First Recruit Battalion, Recruit Depot, Marine Barracks, Parris Island, S.C.
Training in RADAR, one of the earliest classes in the USMC.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Oct 1941
Rank: Private
Station: Telephone Company, Post Signal Battalion, Marine Barracks, Quantico, Virginia
Iceland with the 5th Defense Battalion.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1942
Rank: Private
Station: Barracks Detachment, Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, New York, N.Y
Remarks: 23 to INDIGO
Serving with an Anti-aircraft battery. RADAR operator
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1942
Rank: Private
Station: Muster Roll Of Officers And Enlisted Men Of The U S Marine Corps 3 Aa Group, 5Th Def Bn, Ac, Af, Mb, Parris Island, S C
Shipping to the South Pacific, destination Guadalcanal.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1942
Rank: Private First Class
Station: 90Mm Group, U.S. Marine Corps Unit c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Cal.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Oct 1942
Rank: Private First Class
Station: Detached Group, U. S. Marine Corps Unit A, 5Th Defense Bn, Fmf C/O Postmaster, San Francisco, California
The 5th Defense Battalion was renamed the 14th, and became known as the 5/14 among its original members.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1943
Rank: Corporal
Station: 90Mm Group, Fourteenth Defense Battalion, Fmf, Fmac, C/O Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California
CP, RADAR "F" Battery
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1943
Rank: Corporal
Station: 90Mmg, 14Th Defbn, Fmf, 1Mac, C/O Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1943
Rank: Sergeant
Station: 90Mm Group, Fourteenth Defense Battalion, Fmf., 1Mac. % Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California
CP, RADAR, "F" Battery
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Oct 1943
Rank: Sergeant
Station: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group, Fourteenth Defense Battalion, Fmf., Fmac, C/O Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California
CP, RADAR, "F" Battery
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1944
Rank: Sergeant
Station: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group, Fourteenth Defense Battalion., Fmf., Fmac. C/O Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California.
CP, RADAR, "F" Battery, Radar Section
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1944
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Station: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group, Fourteenth Defense Battalion, Third Corps Artillery, Third Amphibious Corps, In The Field.
514 CP RADAR, Org "G", Battery Radar Maintenance
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
about Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1944
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Station: AA Arty Grp, 14Th DefBn., III CorArty, III PhibCor, In The Field
514 CP RADAR, Chief of "G", Battery Radar Section
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Oct 1944
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Station: Casual Company No 1, Mb, Treasure Island Activities, San Francisco, Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Oct 1944
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Station: Company F, Signal Battalton, Spec Trng Regt, Tc, Fmf, Camp Lejeune, NC
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1945
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Station: Company "C", Signal Bn, Str, Tc, Fmf, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
Remarks: Awaiting assignment
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1945
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Station: Sco B, Signal Battalion, Spltrngregt, Martrngcommand, Camp Lejeune, N. C.
Remarks: 1-7 Stud Fld Tp S; 8-12 Awtg trng; 13-23 Awtg Cl; 24-31 fur
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1946; Jul 1946
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Station: Signal Battalion, Specialist Training Regiment, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
Remarks: Co. "B"; temp duty Central Signal Corps Camp Crowder Mo. [Mote: Camp Crowder was a signal corps training center for the United States Army.]
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Oct 1946
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Station: Company "B", Signal Battalion, Sp1TrngRgt, MarTrngCommand, Camp Lajeune, N.C.
Remarks: Stud Tp Electrician's course
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Oct 1946
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Station: Signal Battalion, Marine Training And Replacement Command, San Diego Area, Camp Joseph H Pendleton, Oceanside, California
Remarks: B--Temp D Easter SigCorpS Fort Monmouth NJ
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1947; Apr 1947; Jul 1947; Apr 1948
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Station: Signal Battalion, Mt and Rc, SDA, Camp Joseph H. Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif.
Remarks: B Instructor TEC; Awd 1st GCMed bar as of 28 Mar 47
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1948
Rank: Technical Sergeant
Station: Headquarters Company, Headquarters And Service Battalion, Mcrd, Parris Island, Sc
Remarks: NCO in C Automatic Tp Exchange
Apr 1949
Remarks: Switchman and Tp Repairman
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1949
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Station: On Duty At Fort Monmouth, New Jersey
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1949; Oct 1949;
Rank: Technical Sergeant
Station: Headquarters Company, H and S Bn, MCRDdep, Parris Island, S. C.
Remarks: NCO in C outside maintenance and Prep Sgt Com Sec
Rdpi 6652
Jan 1950: Drop MB NAD Earle NJ for temp diuns as of 14Jan50 Auth MCSO#347-49 10 das del EDA 31Jan50
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1950
Rank: Tsgt
Station: MB NAD Earle New Jersey Earl 6090
Remarks: (IRC not ATT) Jd study USA SigCorScol Fort Monmouth, NJ AutoTpSystemMaintCrse 28Jan50
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1950
Rank: Tsgt
Station: MB NAD Earle New Jersey Earl6090
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1950; Oct 1950
Rank: Tsgt
Station: Serv Co H and S Bn MB Camp Lejeune Nc
Remarks: Jd study MB NAD Earle NJ on 3Jul50 author 7 das P&T 4 das lv author MSCO
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
about Paul F Tate
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1951; Apr 1951; Jul 1951; Oct 1951; Nov 1951
Rank: Tsgt; by Jul 1951 Msgt
Station: Serv Co H-S Bn Mb Camp Lejeune
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1952
Rank: Msgt
Station: Camp Headquarters Service Co H and S Bn Mrci, Camp Lejeune
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1952
Rank: E7
Station: Camp Headquarters Serv Co H-2 Bn Mbcl, Mri 2 Camp Lejeune N C
Remarks: To Temp ad du Nor Va on 9Apr52 com w/ procuring publications for this command author CG ser 37410
Fr Temp ad du 10Apr52 See UD 72-52.
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1952; Oct 1952
Rank: E7
Station: Camp Hq Serv Co H-S Bn Mbcl, Mri 2 Camp Lejeune NC
Oct 1952
Drop tr MB CJMP Oside Cal on 24Oct52 fur as overseas auth CSO 625-52 EDA 29Nov52
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1953
Rank: E7
Station: Replacements 1St Replacement Battalion Fmf Pacific Troops, Pearl
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1953; Jul 1953; Oct 1953
Rank: E7
Station: Headquarters And Service Company 3Rd Battalion 1St Marines 1st Marine Division Reinforced Fmf Co Fleet Post Office San Francisco Calif, Mri Pearl
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1954
Rank: E7
Station: Co F 2D Bn 1St Mar 1St Mar Div, Mri 6 Pearl
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1954; Apr 1954
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: H and S Co 3Dbn 1Stmar 1Stmardiv Fmf, Korea (In The Field)
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1954
Rank: E7
Station: Casuals CasCo MB NS TI San Francisco, San Francisco California
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1954
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: Company A Hq Bn Mcb Camp Pendleton Calif, Mri Camp Pendleton
Muster Date: Oct 1954; Jan 1955; Apr 1955; Jul 1955; Oct 1955
Rank: E7
Station: Company A Hq Bn Mcb Camp Pendleton Calif, Mri-3 Camp Pendleton Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1956
Rank: E7
Station: Hq Co Mar Corps Trng Cntr 29 Palms Camp Pendleton Calif, Mri-3 Camp Pendleton Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1956
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: Hqco Mctc, Twentynine Palms California
Remarks: on lv 23-27Jan56
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1956
Rank: E7
Station: Hq Co Mar Corps Trng Cntr 29 Palms, Mri-3 Camp Pendleton Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1956
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: Hqco Mctc, Twentynine Palms California
Remarks: on lv 26-30Mar56
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1956; Oct 1956
Rank: E7
Station: Hq Co Mar Corps Trng Cntr 29 Palms, Mri-3 Camp Pendleton Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1957; Jul 1957; Oct 1957
Rank: E7
Station: Hq Co Mcb 29 Palms California Reports Control Symbol Mc-1085-01
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jan 1958
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: Hqco Mcb,Twentynine Palm Calif
Extenl 2 years auth 5550 MCM new EAS 28May60
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1958
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: SchoolsCo H&Sbn, Parris Island SC
Remarks: Instn compl to HqCo MCB 29 Palms Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1958
Rank: E7
Station: Report Control Symbol Mc-1085-01,Dpi-3 Camp Pendleton Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1958
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: Hqco Mcb,Twentynine Palms California
Remarks: Fr TAD as stud SgtMajPersAdminCrs MCRDep PISC crs compl
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Apr 1958
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: Hqco Mcb,Twentynine Palms California
Remarks: on lv 12-25Apr58
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1958
Rank: E7
Station: Report Control Symbol Mc-1085-01,Dpi-3 Camp Pendleton Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Jul 1958
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: Hqco Mcb,Twentynine Palms California
Remarks: on lv 24Jun-3Jul58
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958
Name: Paul F Tate
Muster Date: Oct 1958
Rank: Master Sergeant
Station: Flt and Fs Assign Cas Co Hq Bn Hqmc, Henderson Hall Arlington Va
Remarks: IRC ATT
Jdrf HqCo MCB 29 Palms Calif 19Sep58 f du w/ MarSubSec
NavSec MAAG Tsoying Taiwan 29Aug-1Sep58 Pro 2-7Sep58 lv
8-10Sep58 Trav 11-12Sep58 DofP San Francisco Calif awtg trans 13-18Sep58 enroute to Tsoying Taiwan
To S&FD 13Sep58
Duty Assign Code ZE9
[Note: This was the only overseas assignment in his military career where he could take his family with him. We were delayed for over 6 months in joining him because of the Taiwan Strait Crisis, a conflict that took place between the People's Republic of China (PRC or Communist China) and the Republic of China (ROC or Taiwan).
The Communists shelled the islands of Matsu and Quemoy in the Taiwan Strait beginning August 23, 1958 in an attempt to seize them from the Republic of China. This was accompanied by an aggressive propaganda assault on the United States, threats against American naval ships, and a declaration of intent to "liberate" Taiwan.
The Eisenhower Administration responded to Taiwan's request for aid by reinforcing US naval units and ordering US naval vessels to help the Kuomintang Nationalist government of Taiwan protect Quemoy's supply lines. 12 203mm long range artillery guns and other 155mm guns were transferred from US Marines to ROC Army and sent to Quemoy to help turn the tide of the artillery duel there. So Dad arrived on Taiwan and was sent immediately into the conflict in his role as a military adviser to the Nationalist Chinese Marine Corps.
Faced with a stalemate, and having run out of artillery shells on the Communist side, the Communist Chinese government announced decreasing bombardment level on October 6. Despite Soviet support of the People's Republic of China's claims to the islands, the bombardment abated, then virtually ceased after President Eisenhower warned that the United States would not retreat "in the face of armed aggression." The unexpectedly forceful American response surprised Chinese and Soviet leaders.
However, both sides continued to bombard each other with shells containing propaganda leaflets on alternate days of the week. This strange arrangement continued until the normalization of ties between the US and Communist China in 1979.
Wikipedia has interesting information on how the residents of Quemoy have utilized the scrap metal from the intense bombardment by the Communist Chinese "The PRC (Communist China) fired around 450,000 shells at the Quemoy islands in the conflict. The shells have become a recyclable resource for steel for the local economy. Since the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis, Quemoy has become famous for its production of cleavers made from PRC bomb shells. A blacksmith in Quemoy generally produces 60 cleavers from one bomb shell and tourists often purchase Kinmen knives as souvenirs together with other local products."
| TATE, Paul Frederick (I88)
48 |
Nicolaus and Apolonia married Oct 20, 1767 in New Hanover, PA. They moved to Botetourt before June of 1775 where he bought 400 acres between Fincastle and Buchanan. Nicolaus was paying taxes in Botetourt by 1784. Nicolaus also owned 700-800 acres of land near Winchester, VA
Nicolaus died by April 1802 in Botetourt Co., VA. His will was dated March 1, 1802 and it mentioned his wife, Apolonia and the following children: John, Peter, Henry, Maria, Elizabeth - md. ___Able, Barbary, Magdaline - md. Jacob Gross, and Margaret. The estate was not settled until 7 years after Apolonia died 1833, in 1840. Nicolaus signed his will using the German spelling of Heibst. | Heibst, Johann Nicholas (I5808)
49 |
North Carolina, Death Collection, 1908-2004
Name: Pearle Baker
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 74
Date of Birth: 1901
Residence County: Beaufort
Date of Death: 5 Jul 1975
Death City: Winston-Salem
Death County: Forsyth
Death State: North Carolina
Autopsy: No
Institution: General Hospital
Attendant: Medical Examiner
Burial Location: Burial out of state
Recorded Date: 10 Jul 1975
Source Vendor: NC Department of Health. North Carolina Deaths, 1975 | Thompson, Pearle Alice (I23355)
50 |
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007
Name: Frank Sexton
Birth Date: 1878
Gender: Male
Race: White
Residence City: Franklin
Residence County: Warren
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 6 Mar 1964
Hospital of Death: Public - Other
City of Death: Middletown (Pt)
County of Death: Butler
Certificate: 16325
Age at Death: 86
Certifier: Coroner
Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
County of Injury: Butler
Marital Status: Widowed | Sexton, Miles Franklin (I20700)