Surname List: Begins with ï

All surnames beginning with ï, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

Click on a surname to show matching records.   Main surname page  |  Show all surnames

An error has occurred in the TNG software. This could be due to a setup issue, an incomplete upgrade or a program bug. If you are the site owner, you may contact TNG support for help with this problem. Please copy the query below and paste it into your message.

Query: SELECT ucase( lastname ) as lastname, lastname as lowername, ucase( lastname) as binlast, count( ucase( lastname) ) as lncount FROM tng_people WHERE ucase( TRIM(lastname)) LIKE "ï%" AND ( != 1) GROUP BY lowername ORDER by binlast

Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb3_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'